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**Sorry it took a while! I haven't slept well this week so I've been far too tired to really write decently. But I hope you enjoy it!! And I've been reading too much and writing other things. Sorry. I'm behind on homework as well and ughhhhh.
I apologize for my 12:30 AM writing and for this long authors note.
Requested by @BookThiefSelection
Hope you like it! Sorry I changed it a lot..... It's an au chapter so ages are changed up.
If you hate it let me know and I'll rewrite it I swear**

You were younger than a few on the Enterprise. The age of twenty four. Not too young, but not old either. The worst thing was that your crush was older than you. Not too much, but about nine years. Montgomery Scott was thirty three.

You sat at your post, chin resting in your hands. You gazed over at Scotty lovingly, a smile creeping on your face as he smiled while he worked. That expression never failed to cause your heart to flutter.

"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N...!" A voice began to nag, snapping you out of your trance. Scotty wasn't too bad to look at, you couldn't help it.

"Yes sir?" You ask a lieutenant, swiveling around on your stool. Your workstation was a tool bench where you build small parts to aid the ship. You were an ensign, therefore lieutenants are your boss.

"Stop staring at the chief and get to work. We need three more engine panel fixings. The blast last week shattered some that we didn't know about." He informed you, gently setting down a PADD with instruction and model type of the panel. You began work immediately, disappointed when Scotty had disappeared.

Two out of the three panels down, one more to go. It was later hours, you decided to work later to finish and then install. After that, you got to rest and sleep till 1:00 PM if you wanted to.

"You're here late." A voice with a Scottish accent cut through the air. You jumped in your seat, your heart fluttering at the recognition of the voice.

'He's the chief, you can't have a crush on him.' You remind yourself, sighing ever so slightly. You continued to work on the part, doing your absolute best not to blush as Scotty took a seat beside you.

"Those panels aren't too difficult. I appreciate your dedication and time to the craft, most people would just finish and go with it." Scotty complemented, gently nudging you with his elbow. A small laugh escaped his voice, the urge to kiss your cheek having to be deeply suppressed.

"Thank you sir." You say, failing to not blush as you turned a dark shade of red. Scotty held your hand in his, a smile glued to his face.

"I like you too. Like, like like." Scotty confessed, gently taking the parts from your hands. Shock filled your system, unable to comprehend what has happened.

"I.. I feel the same." You manage to stutter, pulling him into a hug. A few minutes after Scotty asked you out. Your age different was never a problem, you loved each other too much to let it be.

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