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**Requested by @BookThiefSelection
Hope you enjoy! Sorry it's short! I meant to make it longer.
I started StarFleet Love again by the way!
And I've never been to Russia so I could be wrong with all this, but it's just basically a winter scene here. And if it is wrong I'm sorry if anything is offensive at all to anyone from Russia reading this for its wrongness.
It's nothing political in here that would be offensive, just if I got the landscape stuff wrong.**

Russia was a beautiful place, especially during certain times of the winter. Pavel Chekov, your boyfriend, dragged you to a cabin near his hometown. The entire crew of the USS Enterprise was on shore leave, available to go anywhere you want. But of course, Pavel dragged you to the frigid air and snowy landscape of his hometown.

"Cold?" Pavel asked, pulling a sweater over his head. He tugged the sleeves down over his watch and sat beside you on the couch. You glared at him as your teeth chattered, your whole body shivering.

"What do you think, Pasha?" You sarcastically ask, wrapping the two blankets tighter around your body. The power at the cabin had gone out so it was lit by candles; Pavel had carried in wood to make a fire.

"I think you're freezing." He stated, getting up from the couch. You whined as a significant heat source walked across the room, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. Pavel set some wood in the fireplace and looked around for a match. Most of them were used to light the candles so it was last resort, the phaser.

Minutes later you were snuggled by Pavel, wrapped in blankets, laying by a fire. Mugs of hot chocolate lay beside you both, each one half empty of the dark sweet liquid. "You're hands look cold." Pavel simply stated again, taking your hands in his. He wasn't too wrong, they were a bit chilly.

"They are." You agreed, blushing that he was holding your hands. You two had been dating for years yet you always blushed when he did sweet things.

"I think they need this to warm them." Pavel said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a shiny gorgeous ring and slipped it onto your left ring finger. You gasped, jolting away from him suddenly. "Marry me?"

"Yes oh my god yes!" You scream, pulling into a long hard kiss. You kissed so long both of you were gasping for air at the end.

"Well this is one way to warm up." Pavel joked, pulling you into a long kiss again. You got to kiss your fiancé for the first time, not boyfriend anymore, but fiancé.

Thanks JustALittleTrekkie for helping me with the idea a little

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