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**Here's the chapter. Sorry I'm not doing my requests, they're long requests and I'm not feeling up to that. Hope you all enjoy this one even though it's not too good.***

You drew in your notebook, the sound of the pencil graphite scratching on the paper. It was soothing to listen to, every stroke, and every dark line being formed. A sketch was beginning to form from underneath the pencil tip, a small bird beginning to take place.

Cold nipped at your skin, a blanket curled around your body. You were outside on your steps, watching the people of the neighborhood shovel snow from their driveways. Your fingers were chilled, numb. Your eyes concentrated on the sketch, wings forming on the bird.

"The drawing is beautiful, quite like its creator." You heard a voice say, the sound of snow crunching as whoever it was walked closer. You looked up, a small smile forming on your lips. Your face flushed hot as you blushed a deep red shade.

"Thank you, Pavel, is it?" You ask, recognizing the boy as someone you had seen around at school. He was short, a year below you in age and grade, curly hair matted onto his head.

"Yes it is, Y/N?" He asked, although you had the suspicion he knew the answer for sure. You nod, scooting over for him to join you. Pavel took a seat, continuing to rotate between looking at you and the drawing.

"You live around the corner, right?" You asked, genuinely curious since you had no idea how he knew where you lived.

"Actually I live the neighborhood over. I walked here to ask you something...." Pavel explained, looking a little nervous. You raised your eyebrows, shocked he had actually walked all that way.

"Did you come to stay at a friend's?" You ask again, taken back still at the thought that someone walked that far just to see you. Pavel laughed, getting a good chuckle out of what you said.

"Sorry, I don't have any friends that's why I laughed. Ah the sad pain..." Pavel joked, laughing a little more at himself before frowning. Having no friends was something you knew quite well, wether you wanted to admit it or not.

"I know what you mean, so why did you want to talk to me?" You ask, curiosity filling you once again. He took a nervous, shaky breath. You couldn't tell if he was shaky from cold or from nerves.

"I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to possibly go on a date sometime? I know you're older and a year above me in school, but I really like you and I swear I'm not trying to date you to seem cool or anything. I just think you're really beautiful and talented and I would like to know you more. If you say no, I understand. Honestly, I wouldn't want to date me either. I just am-" Pavel rambled, beginning to shake even more with nerves. You scooched closer to him, draping your blanket both your backs.

"Give me a chance to answer, yes. I will go out with you. It never crossed my mind you would do it for popularity, but I suppose it makes sense to. But I trust that's not the reason, you seem like a sweet guy. So in conclusion, yes, I will go out with you." You tell him, smiling as he grinned wider than you'd ever seen someone smile.

"Thank you so much, really. You have no idea how much this means to me..." Pavel muttered, sighing with relief and happiness at your answer.

"I would've said yes anyway, it takes a lot of courage to ask someone out and I admire that." You inform him, realizing your sketchbook was still open. You closed it, making sure the pencil drawing wouldn't smear. "Want to go inside and get some hot chocolate and warm up?"

"Thank you and yes, that sounds great." He agreed, following you inside. Out of all the things you expected today, being asked out was definitely not one. But it was a great surprise life decided to throw your way.

Sorry this isn't too good, was having some emotional issues while writing it. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it!

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