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**This one does contain Beyond spoilers.
Requested by @Fangirlnerddd
And if updates are slow for a while it's because I'm on vacation. And I'm working on a new Kirk book for you guys, cover in the media. It'll be about Kirk's PTSD and the crew helping him, with a little love in there from an OC.
Enjoy the chapter!**

The USS Enterprise was undergoing some heavy damage. This new alien race was taking over and completely obliterating the ship. You had heard one mutter something about a leader named Krall, but you couldn't be sure.

Jim Kirk buckled into the captains chair on the bridge, anxiously awaiting word from you. Since the attack began all communications had been shut off, but he was still hopeful. The crew bustled around him, apologizing sporadically as they bumped into one another.

"We are losing the right engine captain!" Chekov informed, more likely yelled. Jim choked a little, suppressing every emotion he had. You worked around that area as a security guard.

You weren't in the right engine though, you were on your way to the bridge. Why everything must go to hell when it's either a good thing for Jim or Scotty leaves, you may never know. Jim joining StarFleet and first sneaking aboard the Enterprise was good, he saved Earth. But Vulcan was destroyed. Scotty quit and then Khan showed and everything went crazy. Now it's Jim's birthday and aliens are invading.

The ship began to tilt, artificial gravity bringing you to the side. Eventually, you were running against the hallway wall. The bridge was wide open; it wasn't hard to gain access.

"Y/N?" Chekov asked, his thick accent almost impossible to understand throughout the ruckus of the crew and the ship. If it had been any other day, you would've asked him how his date went. The answer was always the same. 'We hooked up and then she shoved me into the hall and said to never call her again.'

"Y/N!!" Jim yelled, reaching his hand out. You grabbed on, steadying slightly.

"We need to get out of here!" You shout, barely able to hear him despite your noses almost touching. Jim sighed and squeezed your hand tighter.

"I'm glad you're okay! I agree! Mr. Chekov, sound the alarm! Get everyone to the escape pods!" Jim commanded, taking you to a pod.

"Come with me. Come on." You insist, being cut off as he pulled you into a kiss.

"I'll see you soon, baby. I'll see you really soon." He told you, giving you one last kiss before the escape pod sealed itself and you were shot into space.

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