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**I was writing in the car and I have no chill so... this one is weird. Enjoy!
I do not own anything that is in italics, that is song lyrics of actual songs.**

"Anthony works in the grocery store, saving his pennies for some day." You begin to sing, headphones over your ears. You were cleaning up your quarters before your boyfriend, Leonard McCoy came home from work. "Mama Leone left a note on the door, She said, 'Sonny move out to the country.'"

You danced around a little, feeling amazing with yourself. Having karaoke parties and cleaning was always the best way to clean. "Oh but workin' hard can give you a heart attack. You oughta know by now, who needs a house out in Hackensack? Is that all that you get for your money."

Billy Joel was an old singer, his music was over two hundred years old. Your father was always a fan of the really old stuff, so you were used to listening to it. The songs had become imprinted into your brain. You were now a fan of all the really old music.

Your eyes were closed as you sang and washed the kitchen counter. "Mama if that's moving up, then IIIIIIII'm movin' out." You sang, completely lost in the music. Being alone and having music was a favorite activity of yours.

Leonard walked into your quarters, smiling to himself as he heard you singing in the kitchen. You weren't the best singer by any means, but it was still fun to do. Leonard took a few steps, singing along with you. You had noise cancelling headphones on, but as soon as you heard him singing, you screamed in terror and ran into the other room.

"Why don't you say anything!" You yell, blushing a deep red. Leonard laughed, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head.

"It was adorable. Because hey, I like singing too. I got chills, they're multiplying." He began to sing, causing you to burst into laughter. "And I'm looooooosing control. Cuz the power you're supplying, its electrifying!"

"You better shape up, cuz I need a man. And my heart is set on you! You better shape up, you better understand! To my heart I must be true.."

"Nothing left! Nothing left for me to do!

"You're the one that I want!" You two sang, laughing through your own words. "The one that I want! You are the one I want! What I neeeeed, oh yes indeed!"

Neither of you could sing after that, laughter was too great. Eventually, both you and Leonard were laying in bed from laughing so hard, you couldn't stand anymore. You couldn't believe he had actually decided to start singing Grease.

"When I was, a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band." You began to sing, watching Leonard laugh a bit more. You ended up singing the entire song by yourself, dramatically using your arms to emphasize the song. You were no longer as embarrassed, but as least he didn't see your awful dancing.

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