Kirk [Triggering]

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**So as the title says this one is triggering. For this particular one its self harm and a bit of an eating disorder. I just really need to write some of these feelings down and publish them. Please do not proceed if it'll hurt you. I proceed and I always regret it later so please do not continue. Thank you. I've never really written like this before so have mercy...
Sorry for those with requests I got on a Kirk writing kick... Oops...**

You had some really deep secrets inside of you, which usually began with the stupid dress you were forced to wear. The skin on your arms itched to be burned or cut, your stomach not being able to suck in enough to satisfy you. Your boyfriend, Jim Kirk, was starting to notice this.

He noticed when you started to fidget with food and not eat it. He noticed when you began to wear long sleeves and never ever let anyone see you without them. You would no longer sleep beside him or anything you used to do.

One day, you were called to the bridge to get a report signed. As you walked into the important room, you couldn't help but feel bombarded with stares as everyone briefly turned to see the foreign being on their sanctuary. A voice brought you back down from your head. "There's my beautiful girl."

You blushed a super deep crimson color and shook your head. Without making eye contact, you stretched your arm to hand Jim the PADD. Shocked when he didn't take it, you opened your eyes to see the sleeve of your sweater had pulled up, revealing some of the burns.

Immediately, you yanked the fabric down and turned to walk out. Jim was hot on your tail, holding your hand tight on the turbo lift. Your fingers entwined with his as you were dragged from the small box and to his quarters nearby. Barely a second after the door closed Jim pulled you into a super long kiss.

"Have you been.. Doing that to yourself?.." He asked, gently helping you take the sweater off from over your dress. Many cuts and bruises littered your skinny arms; Jim's face fell.

"I need to lose a few pounds, feel better, and then I'll be better." You tell him, tears already rushing down your cheeks. Jim pulled you into an extraordinarily long hug as you cried, eventually leading you to sit down in the bed.

"Sweetie, please listen to me." Jim began, making sure you nodded before he continued. "You do not need to lose a few pounds. You're really skinny as it is and I love you no matter what. Always and forever. And for hurting yourself, I know it takes the emotional pain away but it creates worse. Makes you worse. I know it's hard to quit, I do. I'll help you."

You couldn't say anything in response, tears just wouldn't stop flowing. You honestly  thought he wouldn't care, just shrug it off and continue his life. Jim pulled you into a hug once again and helped you stand.

"We are gonna go to sickbay, Doctor McCoy is going to treat you. He's really really trustworthy remember? No one will judge you, no one will hate you. I just want to make sure those get treatment and don't get worse." Jim explained in a simple monotone. You nodded and walked with him, a blanket wrapped around your body.

You weren't allowed to work for weeks, but with plenty of help from sickbay and Jim, you were getting much better and still would be.

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