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**Requested by CodeViolet
Hope you like it! Sorry for the long authors note...
If anyone has seen the anime Death Note.. You're awesome. If you haven't, it's emotionally wrecking and rips your heart to pieces. But watch it.**

You and Leonard McCoy were assigned to an away mission. Together. Alone. And away mission with no contact to the ship except getting back.

"I don't understand these ridiculous rules anymore." You state, scanning the plants around you for any substance that can be beneficial. No such substance emerged.

"It's ridiculous." Leonard McCoy answered, grumbling under his breath in that hot southern accent of his. Wait, what were you thinking? He was your boss, you can't have a real relationship with him.

"I don't see the point in just is two without any communication." You agree, gazing up at the strange orange sky to the relative direction of the Enterprise.

Leonard licked his chapped lips, running a hand through his hair. You couldn't help but to be extremely attracted to him. "It's probably Jim, wanting to see us together."

Your heart fell. He didn't feel the same, probably never will. Using a fake smile, you covered your pain and pushed through. "Yeah, probably."

"You okay?" Leonard asked, his voice filling with concern. You shrugged.

"I mean, I do kinda... Like you a lot.. More than just a boss.. Which is wrong of me totally." You admit, instantly trying to recover from your embarrassing secret. Leonard grinned, he took a step forward and once again licked his lips.

Somehow your hands found a way into his. "I feel the same."

The simple words struck chords into your heart. Happiness swelled inside of you, followed by instant dread. What if he was lying? What if he misinterpreted?

"You-you mean it?" You stumble, cursing yourself for sounding so ignorant. Leonard just chuckled and nodded.

"And for that cute thing you just did there, adorable." Leonard told you before leaning in to a kiss. You instantly kissed him back, not even noticing the transporter beams surrounding both of you.

"Now that's why we call me the match maker!" The obnoxious voice of Jim Kirk yelled. He was clapping, obviously pleased with his match making skills.

"Yeah yeah yeah I'll hypo you!" Leonard defended, already taking a hypo out.

"Woah, chill out. I didn't mean to be so forward." Jim said, holding his arms out. Pure terror was struck on his face at just the mention f a hypo.

"Same goes for me Jimbo. Hypos." You say, backing out the door using the 'I'm watching you' hand motions. You and Leonard walked down the hall, shoulder to shoulder. Eventually hand in hand.

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