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Hey guys!! I'm back for a bit! This was requested by -CaptainObvious- , I hope you enjoy it!! Thanks for the requests :)

Sorry it took a while! They all will take a while by the way, please be patient!

I must warn you, I'm having a hard time writing, so this may not be the best. Reader inserts are particularly hard for some reason, I truly don't know why. But I really want to try, so I'll be doing my best here.



You turned around on your heels, the transporter room coming into view. Your brother, Spock, stood beside you, his back as straight as an arrow. Nerves swelled in your body, you'd never been on an away mission before. 

"Spock, swap out, Bones' is taking your place." Kirk commanded as he entered the room, gesturing for Spock to leave the pad. 

"Captain, I believe my presence on the planet will assist the crew just as much as Doctor McCoy's. Have I not been performing my job to your standards?" Spock questioned, a defensive tone underlying his normal one. Kirk just chuckled in response, placing a hand on your brother's shoulder. 

"Don't take it so personally, Spock, I just feel Doctor McCoy would be better fit for this away mission. You're in charge." Kirk laughed, standing in the middle of the transporter pad. 

Leonard McCoy entered the room, the door closing after him. He had a medical bag over his shoulder, his signature grumpy face on his lips. You blushed a light green color, your shoulders hunching in. 

"Lieutenant Y/N." He greeted, standing beside you on the pad. Spock raised an eyebrow at your reaction, walking off the transporter pad. 

"Doctor McCoy." You answered, glancing over at Kirk in the middle. The Captain's eyes switched between you and McCoy, a smirk forming on his lips. 

"Do you have something you need to say, Jim?" Doctor McCoy asked, raising an eyebrow at Kirk. "Don't be shy."

"Nope. It's nothing." Kirk suppressed a laugh, grinning to himself as everyone was beamed to the planet. You watched Spock's confused look fade, the landscape of the new planet replacing him.

Water crashed against rocks, nothing seen on the horizon as you gazed out over the blue desert. The sky was orange, despite the blue color of the water. It should be impossible, but somehow, there it was. 

A jungle was tangled behind you, reminding you of the Earth island you had read about. You were raised on Vulcan with your brother, but you were raised to be more human than Vulcan. Spock was always your father's son, but you were always your mother's daughter. 

"Well I'll be damned." Doctor McCoy's southern accent cut through the silence between the crew, everyone taking in the planet's beauty.

"It's gorgeous."

"Earth is still my favorite planet." McCoy sighed, taking a step forward. His eyes continued to gaze at the planet, the orange color reflecting off his eyes. 

"I thought your favorite planet would be one where you could live in solitude with no bugs or disruptions." You say, trying to spark a conversation. You couldn't help your feelings for the doctor, despite what your father would say.

"That would be heaven. I might let someone join me, but it sure as hell won't be Jim." McCoy half joked, receiving a look of hurt from the captain.

"I'm shocked, Bones. How dare you."

"Shut your corn fed mout-"

A loud explosion burst your ears, your body flying forwards. Your ears rang, the warm stream of blood flowing from your eardrums. Your leg slowly grew in pain, your body paralyzed from movement.

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