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**Alright! I'm seeing Beyond tomorrow in IMAX 3D so wish me luck! I'll be writing requests for Beyond and spoilers are to be expected of course. From Thursday night on beware of spoilers. I'll put in the chapter if there will be spoilers or not. You have been warned. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry if it's not my best it was written later at night.**

Never ever ever ever EVER get a Vulcan hopped up on sugar. Their bodies don't react the same way human's do to sugar, so instead of slowing down, they speed up. The fact that sugar makes human's more hyper is merely a myth, but to a Vulcan, it's fact.

Your boyfriend, Spock, was barely seeming human at all. You were laying down, as you had sprained your ankle the other day, when Spock began to jump on the bed. A smile was on his face; something you'd never seen before.

"Hiya Spock..." You mutter, patting the bed beside you. Spock leapt down, the entire bed rattling under his weight. A kiss was firmly planted on your cheek before his toes gently pokes your bandaged foot.

"Hello. Your foot is a balloon." Spock stated, continuing to gently poke your swollen ankle. You stopped his repetitive poking with your good foot, rolling your eyes in the process.

"Weirdo." You mutter, trying to go back to your book. Spock pulled you close so you were practically on top of him.

"Do weirdo's do this?" He asked, pulling you into one of the longest and best kisses of your life. Before Spock, you'd never had a boyfriend. The only man you'd ever kissed was unemotional Spock, so this was quite a change. A good one.

"Not all but this one does." You mumble, kissing him even longer. Spock sighed and set you away from him, getting up to bounce around some more. "We were having a moment!"
You protest, trying to stand up with your bad ankle.

"I got bored of that moment. I'm gonna go find the captain, he has alcohol. I wonder if it has the same effect?" Spock contemplated before making a mad dash for the exit. You leapt forward but missed him. Yelling in pain, you gripped your ankle and bit your lip, tears welling in your eyes.

"Spock!!" You screamed, tears beginning to pour down your face. The pain was horrible, one of the worst thing you've felt in a while.

Slowly, Spock made his way back to the room. He poked his head in and smiled, trying to stop from laughing. "Need assistance?"

"Be lucky I'm not calling you some names Mr, help me up." You grumble, very annoyed at your boyfriend. Spock looked liked a kicked puppy and instantly obeyed.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt you..." He mumbled, wiping his eyes of tears. Another thing you learned from Vulcans on a sugar high, they lose all their emotional control. Once it begins to wear off they start to get overly emotional.

"It's okay Spock, just be careful." You say as if talking to a child. Spock nodded and hugged you close, burying his face into the crook of your neck. Carefully, you laid back and put your foot up. You had ice on it previously so it would be no use. All you did was take some pain relievers and lay down with Spock.

Having a sleeping Vulcan cuddled to you is one of the best images. Spock's hair was all messy, very unlike its usual straight stature. His brown eyes were invisible due to the heavy lids covering them as he slept. Spock's back rose with the rise and fall of his lungs as he breathed; not to mention the little snore he had.

All in all, a sugar rush was bad, but ended adorably.

Dedicated to KobayashiMarue

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