
1.6K 66 19

**This was requested by @IslayFinn ! Hope you enjoy! Sorry it's short, I prefer short and sweet. Enjoy! I changed it just a little bit, hope it's still what you were hoping...**

The entire day had been a major blur. First, you were assigned to work an away mission. Second, this away mission was on an incredibly hot planet. Third, you were an incredibly clumsy person that always fell. On a planet of extreme heat, this was very bad.

You took a few steps forward, looking at a tricorder in your hands. You didn't truly have time to look up at your surroundings, everything was relying on that tricorder. Kirk's orders that you look more to the tricorder than surroundings. 'We will be your eyes, you will be our scientist' Kirk had reasoned. You agreed, no arguing successfully with the captain.

It all went downhill the instant a rock crumbled beneath you. You fell to the ground, your leg sinking in as far as it could. Screaming in pure pain, you threw the tricorder at Spock and gripped the upper part of your leg. Kirk ran over, McCoy and a couple other medical officers running over. Kirk wrapped his arms around you, holding your hands away from your leg so the doctors could work.

One of the other officers stuffed a cloth into your mouth as you screamed. The cloth did help you not break all of your teeth or break your jaw. "Y/N, this is going to knock you out. It won't hurt you or the baby." McCoy said, injecting you with a hypo. You barely had time to react in shock to the news of the baby before you were unconscious.


Next time you woke up, you were in the uncomfortable cold room known as the ships sickbay. You recognized a curly haired young man at your bed side, his head resting gently on the mattress. The instant your mind came back, you remembered what McCoy said just before you were knocked out. "Y/N, this is going to knock you out. It won't hurt you or the baby."

"Baby." You say, opening your eyes wider and taking a deep breath. Pavel sat up, a wide smile on his face. You smiled at him, trying to hide the shock on your face. You were pulled into a tight embrace, the fast beating heart of your boyfriend pounding on your chest.

"Y/N, good, you're awake. And from the confused look on your face I can assume you are wondering if you are pregnant. You are." Doctor McCoy said, walking into the room without looking up. He failed to notice Pavel was in the room as well as you.

"Oh my-.." You mutter, taking a few deep breaths before you worked the courage to look at Pavel. He hadn't moved yet, his face completely frozen in time. It was kind of creepy, a permanent smile was seemingly glued to his face.

"Uh, yeah, you're about five weeks along.. Sorry didn't mean to say that in front of Chekov..." McCoy mumbled an apology, handing you a scan. You just noticed your leg then, it heavily bandaged in front of you. You also had your leg scan on the PADD, the skin was severely burned and the bones were broken.

"Hey, Pasha, move a little please sweetie." You say, pulling up the pregnancy scan on the PADD. "Look, it's our little dot. This is your son or daughter, you created this inside me. Cool, right?"

Pavel looked towards you, the smiling staying on his face. Before even saying anything, Pavel kissed your lips and smiled even more. "I will need time to really process, but I am really really happy."

"Glad to hear it, glad to hear it.." You whispered, pulling him into a kiss as well. He sat up onto your bed, wrapping his arm around you. You kept the ultrasound picture up, staring at the small dot that was your baby. Pavel ran circles with the tip of his finger on your lower abdomen, exactly where the baby would be if he or she was bigger. After a bad day this couldn't have been more perfect.

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