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**This is requested by @IHazFandoms hope you enjoy despite it being short! There wasn't too much to go off of in the request or the chapter itself. Sorry it took me a while too, was just busy and stressed. I am gonna do all my requests and drafts on every one shot book I have before continuing so if I don't update for a while, that's why. Plus I have a Dan and Phil imagines book now!! And I have been really into writing that. Anyway, enjoy!**

"Hikaru!" You scream, reaching your arm out to grasp his hand. He pulled back, unsettlingly falling out of his chair. You frowned, tears of worry and pain pouring down your face. "Why?"

"It's too dangerous, Y/N. Way too dangerous. We need to split up, I'll see you again I promise." Sulu explained, taking a few cautious steps to you. You placed your hands on his cheek, tears pouring down your face.

"Hikaru... I can't leave you.." You whine, taking steps closer. Hikaru put his hands on your waist, leaning in clos, your noses touching. He put one hand on yours, resting on his cheek softly. You took his other hand from your waist and wiped away your tears, smiling softly to you.

"You won't lose me, I'll be-" Hikaru began to say before being sharply cut off. The ship rattled, the alarms flustered before continuing to blare. Kirk strapped himself in his chair, barking for others to abandon ship.

"Hikaru.." You whisper, your body physically breaking away from his. He gripped your hand, trying to keep you close to him. The tilting and rattling of the ship was almost proving to be too much.

"Y/N, I can't go with you. I love you, I love you. Please, go to an escape pod!" He shouted, wriggling his hand free a little and motioning to the pods. You nod, running over to one before turning around to look at him.

"I love you." You mouth, slowly taking a step into the pod. You look around, the glass closing around you. Chekov ran to the pod beside you, strapping himself in as well.

Hikaru gave you a loving look, his face hiding the look of pure terror. He gave you a small smile, taking a deep breathe before returning to work. You cried, finishing the straps and hitting the ejection button. You left the ship, drifting away to the planet, weeping as you watched your home being ripped apart, your boyfriend inside....

I was actually writing this while I found out a family member (not a very close one, but still family. Plus her son is my second cousin and he is super super nice and caring and the only member of my family at reunions to talk to me, so I am upset thinking of what's gonna happen to him losing his mom...) So if this chapter seriously isn't good or long, I am so sorry. If it's not good at all ( @IHazFandoms ) let me know and I will write you something else, I promise. So this is complete crappppp and I'm sorry for that.

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