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**Pike is the readers father in this so I hope everyone likes!
I'm so sorry for the slower updates, I just haven't been up to writing most of the time. When I do feel like it, I usually can't because I'm at school or something. I try my best I swear.
Requested by @sterretje_x14x
Hope I got it right!**

You were sick and being a sick nine year old really isn't fun. You wanted to be at school, no matter how much you didn't like it, you missed your friends.

"I'm all better. I'm fine. Can I go to Christy's house?" You beg, rocking back and forth on your heels in your pajamas. Your father glanced up before shaking his head.

"You're still sick so I don't think that'll be such a good idea." Your father stated, setting down his book. You crossed your arms and made your eyes do puppy eyes, tears brimming at your eyelids.

"But daaaaad please?" You beg, upset at not getting your way. Coughs erupted from your throat in hoarse, harsh rasps. It suddenly became hard to breathe and tears ran down your face from panic. Your dad got up, gently rubbing and patting your back till the coughing subsided.

"Up to bed." He said, picking you up as you continued to cough. Knowing you, even as a nine year old, you always felt better when you were held.

Your mother passed away in a car accident when you were a baby so you only had your father. It wasn't a bad thing at all, he was a good parent. Usually nice and friendly, only yelled or lectured when needed.

"Fine.." You grumble between coughs, instantly curling up in your bed with some stuffed animals. Pike grabbed a book and handed it to you. He turned the lamp on to a low setting, yet bright enough to read.

"Let me know if you need anything." He smiled, gently patting your shoulder. You smiled and coughed before opening the book and reading. Being sick sucked, but with a good book and a caring person, it isn't so bad.

I'm sooooo sorry this was so bad!!

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