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**Rough few days so if it's not the best that's why.
Anyway this was requested by @blah345678
I hope you enjoy it anyway!
And anyone who watches Heroes, can you please send some ideas for my reader insert book for Heroes? I am having a super tough time with ideas for that..**

"Transporting isn't such a good idea Khan, I'm pregnant with your kid remember. Want the kid to be still born? I don't. So stop it with the unexplained transportation to random planets!" You yell, slapping your boyfriend on the arm a few times. Khan just laughed a little and held your hand.

"I've been awake for a year in hiding, trying to locate my people. In the process I found a love and accidentally created life. I think I know the expenses." Khan remarked, holding your hand as you two made it through the Klingon planet of Kronos. The terrain was barren and rocky, loose gravel was always crumbling at your feet. Not the best place to walk while you were seven months pregnant.

"Oof." You wince, sitting down at the bottom of a steep slope. Halfway down, right when you slipped on the loose rocks, the baby decided to start kicking.

"You're okay. Both of you are. That kids half superhuman remember, he'll heal." Khan told you, surveying the landscape around you. You kicked him gently with your foot.

"She's half superhuman. Mothers intuition and also, you weigh about twenty pounds more, have your stomach almost the size of a basketball, have your feet swollen, be sore, and then walk down that hill comfortably." You snap, leaning as far back as you can on the rock. Arms crossed and pouting, you glared at your boyfriend. "Why do we even have to move so fast?"

"I killed one of the command StarFleet officers, Admiral Pike. The USS Enterprise is following me, they'll take you. And me. And they'll kill us both." Khan informed you for the first time. Your jaw dropped, you couldn't believe your boyfriend was responsible for all that. "Let's move."


A fight broke out among Klingons and humans, as well as one superhuman. A man with pointy ears found you and took you. He introduced himself as Spock, but you didn't care. You just wanted Khan.

"My name is Nyota Uhura, you're gonna be with me and my crew. It's safer on the ship, it's better." A new woman told you. She spoke in a calming tone, almost as if she were trying to lull a child to sleep.

"Let me go to my boyfriend!! Or just let me go!" You fought, trying to escape the clasps on the chair. In order to make sure you didn't escape, they had to keep you there by restraints.

"Uh, that can't be good for the baby." A new man remarked. This man had piercing blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, cuts and bruises  littered his face.

"Captain, I'm not sure assuming the woman is pregnant is a smart idea." Spock intervened, taking a step outside the shuttle they were in. He seemed to be securing someone further back in the hull, probably Khan.

"She is, isn't she?" The captain asked, glancing between your face and your stomach.

"Yes. Yes I am. And my name is Y/N. And I demand you let me-" you start to say before a sharp pain shoots through your stomach.

"Kirk, I recommend leaving as soon as possible I think she's going into labor." Nyota almost yelled as Spock got back to the main part of the shuttle.

"I have no intention of seeing that." Both men answered, strapping themselves into they seats. Nyota sat beside you, strapped into a seat just across and to the left.

"I've never had a baby, but I've had medical training. Just breathe deep and relax best you possibly can and we will have you to our ship doctors as soon as possible." Nyota whispered, it was loud enough to be heard over the hum of the engines, but incredibly soothing. "It's a trick I learned when I was a kid, the soothing tone."

"Well it works."


A few hours later you had your baby. It was a boy. Khan was right all along, but sadly he never got to know that. He was frozen again before he even knew you had the baby. You raised the boy best possible, although keeping up with the superhuman abilities was difficult. He was a handful, but you were hoping one day Khan would come and meet his son.

This one is probably the best in a while if I'm honest. Hope everyone enjoyed and thank you for the help on the last chapter!
I am open to requests and need ideas for my Heroes book remember!

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