Sports Wars [Judo]

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**This was suggested by @potterbookworm
Hope everyone likes! Sorry no requests being done for now, not much longer till I work on them again. May be a bit until I open them though once I finish them. I plan to finish all my Star Trek requests and all my other requests on other books. Just so you know. Enjoy!
Btw I am watching Teen Wolf while writing so this may not be the best, I am trying to pay attention to both. **

Judo was not your strongest sport, but you were athletic. Fighting wasn't something you liked to do and you always avoided physical violence as much possible. Even the captain was on your side, much to everyone's surprise.

"Okay, I know none of you truly condone violence, but this is purely for fun. And for fun only." Sulu informed everyone, pacing back and forth. He was shirtless, half dressed in Judo gear. Towards the end of his statement, he stood in front of Spock. Everyone knew personally of the Vulcan nerve pinch, when Spock got annoyed, there was no stopping him.

"Yes sir." You and Chekov say, both of you on a lower rank. You two were ensigns, everyone else was Lieutenant or higher. Blushing red with embarrassment, you exchanged glances with Chekov. He was also a deep shade of red, sweat forming on his brow.

"Good. Now, this sport is easy. All you have to do is try to flip and pin your opponent. Easy." Sulu instructed, pulling on a skin tight white shirt. Everyone glanced at each other, Scotty nervously trying to figure out who he wanted to go against and hoped who he wouldn't go against. Being a short man had it's advantages, but disadvantages.

"Understood lieutenant. Now, who will be each others opponents?" Spock asked, glancing at both Kirk and McCoy. Both of them were around his size, most likely to be his opponent.

"First up is Chekov and Y/N" Sulu announced, smiling to himself as both you and Chekov sighed. You two were the closest of friends and didn't want to face each other, yet it happened.

"Don't worry, Chekov, I'll go easy on you." You wink, placing your hands together by your heart and bowing. Chekov smirked, doing the same. Sulu grinned, gesturing for the two of you to walk away from each other.

Sulu waved his hand, the match had begun. You and Chekov moved into a fighting stance, arms up and ready to fight. He lunged, you leap back. He managed to grab your arm, swinging your body around to pin to the ground. You yelled in pain, Chekov immediately letting you go.

"Y/N!" He shouted, nervously taking a few steps back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..  I think I'm-" You say before leaping to your feet. You grab Chekov again and pin him to the ground, counting up to four before Sulu announced your win.

"You little sneak!" Chekov yelled, his Russian accent being particularly thick. You laughed, lightly slapping his shoulder. Judo actually ended up being fun, playing or watching. Spock won over all in the end, causing everyone else to have you pay for his dinner. Overall it had been a good day off.

I know this one really really sucked I am so sorry. I tried so hard sorry ugh just so much stress and stuff happening. Small trigger warning if you decide to read on. I have severe anxiety over everything, especially school. Well, since I go to a treatment center right now I'm not at school. One of the therapists there is causing me the same anxiety I have when I go to school. So, really not fun and very stressful.

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