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Hope you like this, so sorry it's short.
And for Americans, happy forth of July.**

Hikaru Sulu always knew the most romantic thing to do. No one knew how he knew all this romance stuff; most just assumed it came naturally to him. The truth is, Internet databases could be most beneficial.

You woke up to one of the best smells wafting through the air. Cinnamon rolls, one of your favorite breakfasts. Then it hit you, it was your birthday. Momentarily in your sleepy state you forgot.

"Morning gorgeous. Got you your favorite for breakfast and already ordered a dinner of sushi for tonight." Hikaru said, walking over and kissing your nose lightly. You sat up in bed, the blankets wrinkling as you moved. Hikaru leaned in to kiss you again, but having to pull away the timer dinged. "Breakfast is ready your highness."

"Thank you court jester." You joke, swinging your legs off the bed and standing up. Hikaru laughed and did a little weird dance as he walked back to the kitchen. You sat at the table, waiting for the cinnamon rolls to cool.

"Anything the birthday darling would like to do today?" Hikaru questioned, taking a bite of his own cinnamon roll. You kissed his cheek to get some of the sugary frosting off his face.

"Just go to work and have a normal day." You suggested, not really wanting to do too much special. Hikaru pouted and kissed your lips, taking the cinnamon rolls away. "Noooooo."

"You have work in five minutes, I'd rather not make you late." Hikaru told you, running his hand through your hair before kissing your forehead and heading off to work himself. You happily sighed, getting quickly dressed and running to work.

You opened the door to your office to be greeted by colors and a pleasant smell. Hundreds of beautiful flowers in patterned vases littered the room. A card sat on your desk, a single daisy flower laying in front of it. The gorgeous tranquil colors of the pedals distracted you before the card.

You gently opened the envelope and began to read the card.


You are the love of my life, no one can ever replace you. I know you're a year older but that just means it's another year I get to know you. This is short, I hope it's romantic, but I love you.

Love, Hikaru."

You blushed as you set the card down, gently picking up the fragile daisy flower. The smell was familiar and calming, something you always loved to have around.

Work all day was normal, nothing too out of the ordinary. You returned home to find a shirtless Hikaru fixing sushi for you. Why he was shirtless, you don't know, but it sure was hot.

"Hey sweetie, made sushi for you." Hikaru said, smiling as he completed the plate. Today was absolutely perfect, complete with a night of sushi, your favorite movies. Lots of cuddles and kisses were included and you couldn't be happier.

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