Sulu [Requests are Closed]

1.6K 42 30

**This was requested by @CrystalEmmie
Hope you enjoy! Sorry it's short, but short and sweet is good right? I know I changed some stuff but hope it's still good.
I have tons of requests now so it may take a bit for them to be done since I'm working on something else.
Requests are closed now too due to the fact I have to many. Once I finish them I'll open requests back up.
The first Star Trek Reader Insert book hit 302K! Thanks so much!!**

You and Hikaru Sulu had your differences, one of which being he loved pranking and you didn't. Being pranked felt like a personal attack to you, so you didn't prank people and people didn't prank you. Hikaru however, didn't abide by that rule whatsoever. He would prank you hoping to get one back, but he never did.

One day, you couldn't take it anymore. You went to your quarters to see all your blue uniforms stained an ugly yellow green color. A note was pinned to the soiled fabric, also poking a hole.

Your heart sunk as you gazed at all the dresses. The one good clothing option you truly had was now ruined. Yes the dresses weren't ideal, but it was the dresses or some really ugly outfit. This as the last straw.

You marched out of your quarters and through the halls, anger swelling inside you. The note was clenched in your fist as you made your way through the hallway. The door to the observation room was open when you stormed in to see the bridge crew.

"You're horrible, Hikaru!" You yell, already forming a plan. You sat down on Chekov's lap and kissed him, slowly and gently pushing him on his back. You two were now laying on top of each other, totally making out. Chekov didn't even try to move away, he just let it happen.

"Woah woah woah woah woah!!!" Hikaru yelled, picking you up and off the young Russian ensign. Chekov was a deep shade of red, gasping for breath.

"That's for ruining my dresses! And pranking me all those times!" You shout, leaning down to give Chekov one last long kiss before standing off to the side.

"You didn't move away!" Hikaru screamed, yanking Chekov by the collar of his shirt and punching his face. Chekov yelped in pain, blood gushing out of his nose.

Kirk and Spock leapt up, taking Hikaru by the waist and carrying him away. Spock nerve pinched him and he fell unconscious, laying slumped in a chair. "Stay still Chekov." McCoy insisted, using a special tool to seal the small cuts on the ensigns face.

"We have been dating for a little bit under wraps, but he would take it too far that he didn't like me." You explain, sighing as you rubbed Chekov's shoulder. Kirk nodded, Spock raised an eyebrow.

"That makes a little more sense but wow." Kirk muttered, nodding to himself. You sighed and kissed Chekov's cheek before sitting beside Hikaru. Sometimes he can take things a little too far.

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