Sport Wars [Hockey]

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**To those with requests, it may take me a little longer to get them done since I want to write what makes me happy. May just take a while longer. Don't worry I haven't forgotten your request, but if I update something else, don't feel forgotten. They will get done.
So I have decided to have you and the Enterprise crew do sports wars! Meaning they will have games of various sports. You can request a sport and if I don't know it, I'll reply and ask for basic rules.
These will most likely be scattered throughout the book but I hope everyone enjoys!
Dedicated to JustALittleTrekkie
And the sport today is Hockey! I'm not a huge sports fan but I know basics of most games so bear with me those that are experts.**

The rules of hockey were surprisingly straight forward. You get the puck, pass to teammates, score a goal, and try not to hit someone with a stick. Seems simple enough, until you get all the gear and padding on.

The teams were split like this:
Team Red-

Team Blue-

Pretty simple, everyone had their players. Your team was at an advantage due to the young Russian that is Pavel Chekov. He played hockey growing up and if his claims are correct, he was a champion amongst neighborhood kids.

Skating wasn't as hard as you thought. It had been a while but after you went around the rink a few times it became as easy as walking again. Pavel was a master on the ice, showing off as he even managed to pull a front flip and land. Spock, like everything, was an expert almost immediately. McCoy could get around good enough to play.

The red team really only had Kirk as their best player; he played hockey growing up as well. Nyota could skate but had a hard time accurately shooting a puck. Sulu wasn't moving on the ice too well, but could manage. He would most likely be their goalie as McCoy was yours; both lacked the ability to really skate. Scotty was partially drunk but could stay up right.

"Let's begin!" A Russian voice shouted from behind you, startling you. You didn't even know Pavel was behind you, let alone yelling. Everyone started to laugh as Sulu and McCoy came out in their goalie gear.

The gear usually consisted of a large chest pad, giant leg pads, and two different gloves. A larger stick was given to them; it fastened easily into one of the gloves. The other looked like a giant lobster claw.

"One smart remark from you Jim and you will be so sore from hypos you won't be able to turn your head!" McCoy taunted, making his way to the goal. Sulu chuckled and nodded in agreement, sliding to his own goal.

"What the kid said, lets begin!" Scotty yelled, taking the puck in his hand. Pavel and Kirk lined up for the face off. Scotty dropped the puck in the middle of them and the game was set in motion.

Spock was first to get the puck, gracefully making his way over to the other goal. Sometimes you didn't know how he managed to play sports, nothing was vicious about it. Seemingly out of no where, Kirk swooped in and took the puck. Spock turned around, his face looking very confused before he slammed into the sideboards from not looking.

"Where's your precious logic now?" Kirk taunted, making his way down to your side of the rink. You lunged at him, going as fast as your skates would allow. Before you could get the puck, Kirk moved and you slammed into the boards.

Nothing hurt, it was just a little shock. "Jim! Don't you dare! Don't-!" You heard McCoy yelled before a puck made its way into the net. Kirk yelled in accomplishment and skated over back to his side.

The game continued on for a while, the red team winning. Pavel had to go out halfway through the game due to accidentally being tripped by Spock and hurting his foot. Chekov insisted he was okay and that the swelling and pain wasn't bad, but McCoy didn't buy it.

Everyone decided to find somewhere to warm up since the rink was cold. You all ended up at a coffee shop; getting hot chocolate and coffee for all. Perfect end to an interesting day.

For any typos, it's 1:15AM so my bad.

And this is what hockey goalie gear looks like-

Incase I didn't describe enough for a mental image

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Incase I didn't describe enough for a mental image.

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