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**requested by @CrystalEmmie
Hope you enjoy!
There may even be another update if I don't get caught on my phone. And then the requests can open up again. Not quite yet, but soon.**

As far as younger ensigns go on the Enterprise, the young Russian Pavel Chekov was by far the best. The kid could crack a joke that was horrible but everyone would laugh to make him feel included. He could always make someone smile and will never try to hurt anyone.

But, occasionally, like most men, he was an idiot. Pavel could drink and drink and no one knew when he'd stop. One day, the bridge crew along with McCoy and Scotty, decided to go get some drinks. You were invited along by Chekov since he was your close friend and you never did much.

"So, Y/N, where do you work on the ship?" Kirk asked, trying to make conversation since none of them really knew you. You were a bit starstruck by the captain, but was able to push it aside.

"I work in biology lab four. I've assisted Doctor McCoy a few times, and Commander Spock." You answer, taking a small sip of your drink. Spock and McCoy nodded, McCoy smiling. You didn't know them too well but it was nice to at least have a colleague as well.

"Sounds interesting. Have you ever gone on an away mission? You seem familiar." Kirk asked another question, finishing his drink and getting another.

"I've been on one, but this happened." You say, showing him a large scar on your arm. You had fallen and gotten your arm trapped under a small boulder. The boulder had crushed the bone and cut at the skin, but it all healed up.

"Ouch. I think I remember that." Kirk said before being pulled away by a hot drunk girl. Honestly, you didn't blame her for being attracted to him, he wasn't too bad looking.

"Mr Spock and Mr Scott, I have a challenge for you." Pavel said, taking three shot glasses and two bottles of whiskey and scotch before sitting down. "Whoever can drink the most before passing out wins. We all have work off the next three days anyway."

"It seems illogical since Vulcans have a high alcohol tolerance, but I accept your challenge ensign." Spock responded, taking the shot glass and pouring whiskey into it. Scotty didn't even have to say anything, he just grabbed a bottle of scotch and a shot glass.

"Let's begin laddies!" Scotty yelled, taking his shot and pouring another. McCoy walked over to you, putting a small bottle of aspirin in your hand.

"He's gonna need this in the morning, take good care of the kid. I don't want to deal with a whiny ensign while trying to deal with a hungover Scotty. Spock, he won't feel a thing." McCoy told you, winking as he went back to monitor the drinking. He just wanted to make sure no one drank the amount to get them alcohol poisoning.

Quite a few shots later, Pavel had fallen asleep. Scotty had fallen asleep minutes earlier and Spock, well, Spock stopped when he realized he won. There was absolutely no affect to his body whatsoever.

"Good luck!" Uhura yelled as she put Spock's arm around her shoulder. Vulcans didn't have a mental or physical affect to that amount of alcohol, but they do get a little clumsier. Spock had to keep his arm around Uhura just incase he fell, otherwise he was fine.

"Did I win?" Pavel whined, rolling over and cocooning himself in his blankets once you got him to his quarters.

"You lost, Pasha." You tell him, getting a glass of water and the bottle of aspirin.

"But I need to win the crown and be the king of enterpriselandia..." Pavel muttered, tears brimming in his eyes. He was like a little kid, upset they didn't get to have a stuffed animal at the fair.

"Maybe next time." You say, gently rubbing his back. Pavel sighed and wiped his eyes, cuddling a pillow beside him.

"The pointy eared one is going down that bastard. The Scottish one sounds funny." Pavel mumbled, cracking up with laughter towards the end. You just helped him sit up, drink a little water and take some aspirin, before he was out like a light. You stayed of course to help with the hangover in the morning.

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