Kirk Part 2

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**The last part was Jim playing the guitar so this one follows that only there's a bit of a time skip... Anyway enjoy!**

You were pregnant as well as a cranky person. Having a five or six pound baby inside of you can do that. Having your feet swell up and your stomach feeling like you have a basketball under your shirt can do that. Only this basketball was about twenty pounds. And wasn't gonna go away for another month.

"How are my two favorite people on the universe doing?" Your husband, Jim Kirk, asked as he got home from the bridge. You glared at him and pointed to your huge stomach before folding your arms.

"She's doing fine. I'm fat and cranky." You remark, continuing to pout. Jim sighed and sat beside you, gently running his hand along your stomach before unfolding your arms. He pulled you close in a hug and kissed your cheek.

"Not fat, pregnant. Massive difference." Jim said, wincing at his own word choice as you broke into tears.

"Yeah, you're right, massive difference." You remark, turning away on the couch from Jim. You couldn't help being mad, it's just what happened when you got hormonal. Jim understood that and didn't take much of it personally since you got pregnant.

"Sorry. Poor wording. Want me to play you and our little girl a song? You said that sometimes it calms her down. Or riles her up even more. Worth a shot though, right?" Jim offered, getting his guitar out of the case and starting to tune it. You sighed and nodded, knowing resisting this would just be foolish.

Jim bought the guitar without telling you and decently taught himself. He's still working on learning nursery rhymes, which works out for the baby coming soon.

He began to play twinkle twinkle little star; a song you noticed that calmed the kicking. Even though there wasn't much kicking at the moment, the music calmed any kicking there was. You smiled, resting your hand on his leg. Jim grinned and finished the song, kissing your cheek and then your stomach.


A month later you had your baby. Jim played on his guitar the whole time you were in labor, only stopping when you cut the strings of the instrument to get him to stop. That made him pay attention to you and actually help.

Your little girl was actually a little boy. The scans had shown the wrong gender, but then again, when you two found out the baby had been camera shy.

That boy was practically glued to Jim and Jim was glued to him. When you were out of sickbay, all you wanted to do was sleep. You were in labor for 51 hours. Over two days. You need your sleep.

One night, before you dozed off, you watched Jim with the baby. He was humming Twinkle Twinkle little star softly to the baby boy. Your son, Uriah, had the bluest of blue eyes, possibly even beating Jim.

Uriah dozed off quickly as Jim gently set him down in his crib, continuing to softly hum the song. After that, Jim cuddled up with you and you dozed off in his arms, happy as can be.

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