Chekov [Requests are Open]

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**This was requested by lady_in_pain Hope you enjoy! Sorry for the wait I had tons of requests. I hope it's to your liking despite it being short. Requests are open again, just understand it may take a while with school and such.**

Working in engineering could be a doozy. If anything happened in the ship, 90% of the time it happened in engineering. Of course it happened in the one part of the ship without seatbelts on the seats.

Pavel Chekov, you boyfriend, had gotten off his shift early. Instead of going to bed or going to drinks with is friends, he decided to help you work. You had mountains of paper work and repairs to get done.

"Just do the paper work and I will get the repairs done." You sighed, flopping down a stack of papers in front of Pavel. He pouted and smiled at you, gathering the papers in his arms.

"But I wanna spend time with you because I loooooove you." Pavel cooed, taking a pen and walking to the room where you had to repair some machines. You followed closely behind, a couple tools in your hands.

"You may sit in the corner and do your work. When I finish we can leave." You say, kissing his cheek before getting to work. Pavel didn't even help with the paper work, he just stared at you as you fixed a small machine. It required special precision most of the male officers couldn't achieve.

Everything was dropped from both your hands as the ship lurched sharply to the left. "This is why I shouldn't leave my post." Pavel muttered, scrambling to pick up what he had dropped. You fumbled, managing to catch the fragile machine before it collided with the metal floor.

The ship lurched the other way, you slipped from your chair. Pavel leapt up to keep you from falling into the wall, but failed and ended up just falling into the wall with you.

You were enwrapped in his arm, fear swarming through both your bodies. Whenever this happened you were always worried of an attack, but this felt more like a bump. Pavel wouldn't let you go, not until the vibrations stopped.

When the Enterprise straightened out, you both slid down the wall and cuddled together. Pavel pulled you into a long kiss, both of you becoming lost in each other.

"Woah there lad and lassie, settle down." Scotty said, pretending to be creeped out. He covered his eyes and looked away in disgust, causing both you and Pavel to burst out laughing. The laughter continued until Scotty left; then you two started to kiss again. Great end to a weird and scary situation.

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