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**This was requested by @Spock007 ! Hope you enjoy! Sorry it's so short. And I changed it a little.. Hope it's still good. No homework yet but it's coming and starting.. There may be another chapter tonight. **

Every single time the Enterprise went deeper into space, something always went wrong. No one knew why, it was almost as if the ship was cursed. Whenever you visited a Starfleet base, the instant you left the curse began.

Pain rocketed through your leg in instant you hit the surface. The escape pod had landed on the planets surface. Rocks had penetrated through the metal surface, jetting into your flesh. You couldn't help but to scream in agony, pain refusing to stop.

Tears poured from your face as you pulled yourself from the pod. Your leg was twisted a nasty way, the bone showing through the skin at a few places. That rock had really done a number to your leg.

"Y/N?" The familiar voice of your captain yelled, his figure running to you. You fell to the cool, damp, surface of the planet. Moments later, your torso was carefully lifted from the ground and placed in Kirk's arms.

"Ow...." You mutter, continuing to cry in pain. Kirk held you close, carefully trying to contact someone with the communicator.

"Kirk to Spock! Kirk to Chekov! Kirk to McCoy! Kirk to.. well.. anyone!" He frantically yelled into the communicator. You screamed, your leg lurching a little. It was so excruciatingly painful.

"Captain? Y/N!!" Chekov shouted, running as fast as he could towards you. Your vision was foggy, pain dulling most your senses.

"Help me with her Chekov, I know this is hard to do, but don't freak out. Just help carry her carefully." Kirk explained, gently moving you up. Chekov took his place and wrapped his arms tight around your torso; Kirk took your legs. The two began to move you, wincing as you did.


You were at the Starfleet base, pain still very present. Chekov and Kirk had gotten you to a ship you used to escape; everyone later went to the base.

"Ugh." You mutter, coughs slowly coming from your body. Instantly, a hand wrapped around yours, warmth spreading through your body.

"I love you I do I'm sorry this happened to you. I wish I could've helped better, I do. But your leg should be okay, at least that's what the doctor said. You've only been out for two days so that's good. I just don't know what I-" Pavel Chekov rambled, stopping when you squeezed his hand tight.

"Shhhhh not your fault Pasha, not your fault." You tell him, smiling as he kissed you for a few seconds.

"I will help you with anything till you're all okay again." He promised, helping you sit up. You grinned, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. Your leg was heavily bandaged, you couldn't even bend your toes.

"You're too sweet to me." You blush, holding his hand. Pavel grinned, shaking his head.

"Anything for my love." Pavel said, kissing your cheek. He smiled as you smiled back, later keeping his promise to help you. He never stopped being sweet and helped you with everything; it was the most romantic thing anyone had done.

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