Sports Wars [Swimming; Chapter 50]

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**Requested by stargirlhorse and @IHazFandoms
Hope you enjoy!
If this isn't the best, it's cuz my mental things were going insane while I wrote. 
Also, this is chapter 50!! Thanks everyone who has read to this point!!!!
Now onto the chapter.**

Competitive swimming was the best, if you could swim. You'd always been able to for emergencies but preferred not to. Something about being in the water just freaked you out.

All your friends decided to have a swimming competition. You, not truly being able to swim fast, decided to skip this one out. Running and other sports were more of your forte. Beside you on the sidelines was McCoy, who recently had stitches in his leg. There was an issue with an away mission; McCoy was fine but his leg was scratched. He only couldn't swim because of the stitches, otherwise swimming was his favorite thing.

You watched as Chekov, Spock, Kirk, Uhura, and Scotty all got into the water. Sulu couldn't be here since he was the only pilot at the moment. The replacement two pilots were injured while in engineering and couldn't work. Sulu would only have to work for 24 hours before he's given the next day off.

Shivering, Chekov took a few steps further into the water. "Water was invented in Russia..." He muttered to himself, dunking his body completely under to begin acclimating. The temperature was room temperature, so it wasn't very warm.

"Actually, competitive swimming was introduced first by the ancient Egyptians as seen through hieroglyphics." Spock informed him, causing Chekov to glare a stone cold glare.

"Egyptians are decedents of Russians." Chekov growled, walking to the other end of the pool slowly. Spock frowned and raised an eyebrow.

"Mr Chekov, your historical inaccuracies are most concerning to-" Spock began to say before Uhura kissed his cheek.

"Leave it alone Spock." She told him, strapping a pair of goggles to her face. Everyone else did the same, pleasant good lucks being thrown around.

You and McCoy had an air horn, pressing on the button to sound the start. Everyone pushed off the wall on the shallow end and swam.

Kirk was sloppy with his strokes, but moved pretty fast. Spock was completely and utterly robotic, but also very slow. Chekov dove under and didn't come up for air until he reached the other end of the pool. There, he dove under once again and swam; he was pretty fast. Uhura glided smoothly and had nice form, she definitely one in that category. Scotty gave up halfway to the end and just turned around. Swimming was not his game.

In the end, everyone emerged from the pool dripping wet. With towels wrapped around their bodies, they eagerly awaited to see who one in the two categories. The categories were speed and form.

"Nyota won for form, definitely." You tell them, glancing at McCoy. He nodded and handed Uhura a medal. She beamed proudly and whispered 'ha' to Spock. Spock raised an eyebrow but didn't question more.

"Speed was hard to say, but we decided to give that to Chekov." McCoy announced, causing the young kid to beam with happiness. He hasn't won many athletic medals in his life, only academic. This was a step up.

"Thank you." Chekov said, accepting the medal from McCoy. The smile refused to leave his face. It only did when Scotty yelled 'Now!'

Next thing you knew, Chekov was picked up Kirk and Scotty and thrown into the pool. He emerged, his before drying curly hair now plastered flat again. "You're rude." He muttered, hoisting himself out again. He grabbed his towel and stormed off, slipping a little on the way.

Later that night, the crew had a dinner. This one included Sulu. Kirk and Scotty apologized to Chekov and all was well once again.

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