Spock [Important Authors Note]

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**Hello okay, so basically school has been incredibly stressful and this girl has been a massive bully. I was wondering if I could get some advice on that? I'll put it at the end.
Anyway since everything has been stressing me out I decided to write this. It's probably not too good but enjoy anyway.
There is a trigger warning for the end authors note just because of the bullying and what she's said. Read at your risk.
I've had a huge geography final, I had to name 100 countries correctly on a map in order to get an A. Yeah that didn't happen.

"I. Am. Beyond. Stressed!" You yell, accidentally snapping your pencil in half. Spock looked up, raising one eyebrow at you before looking at his lap. A part of the pencil shot into his lap.

"You seem, angry." Spock stated, setting the piece of pencil on the table. You glared at him with the toughest glare you could master. It seemed to work, Spock gently leant away from you.

"I am stressed Spock. Stressssssedddd." You hiss, putting your head on the table. You continued to clench your fists in and out, tears brimming your eyes.

"Relax." Spock stated, setting down the PADD he was working on. You continued to glare at him, tears breaking from the brim of your eyelids. The salt water rolled down your face, but you never broke eye contact.

Spock reached over, gently rubbing his thumb over your cheek to wipe the tears off. "You're too pretty to cry." He told you, getting off his chair and kneeling beside you. You blushed and smiled, entwining your fingers in his.

"No I'm not.." You reply, sniffling and wiping more tears from your face. Spock sighed, he actually humanly sighed, before picking you up bridal style in his arms. Next thing you knew, you were on his lap on the couch.

"Yes you are and you must relax." Spock stated, getting a blanket and wrapping you up. Gently, he set you down and got your favorite snacks and drinks. "Now, we will stay here as long as you wish and you can eat and drink whatever you want."

"Thank you." You say, taking a juice box and poking the straw in. You took a sip of the fruit juice and smiled. "I feel precious drinking a juice box."

"You are precious to many." Spock informed you, kissing your nose. You blushed more and smiled. Boyfriends could be great when you're stressed.

Okay so sorry this was short but I couldn't make it longer.
Anyway, here's the triggering part about the bullying.
So, this girl has been super rude to everyone. She has told one boy to kill himself and she yells at everyone and hates phones. Like, if you have a phone in your pocket she absolutely hates you automatically. She is super mean and rude to everyone, she kicks, she yells, she hits, she hurts. Bad.

She thinks we're best friends. She calls me her bestie and always wants to hang out with me. Yet she yells at me, she kicks me, she's pushed me, she's super super rude to me, she guilts me. Yet apparently we are gonna hang out allllll Summer and we are best friends. She's wrong. And it's driving me nuts.
Any help?

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