Kirk Part 1

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I hope everyone likes it!
I'm in a big Star Trek writing mood so there's a possibility of another chapter or two. Possibly.
Any requests are welcome.**

"Jim, what did you get yourself into?" You ask, taking a seat beside your boyfriend in his quarters. Jim just smiled a big smile and strummed the guitar in his lap.

"Music, Y/N, music." Jim whispered, closing his eyes and playing two chords on the instrument. You smiled and held the strings, causing him to stop. "You're ruining the musical vibes."

"Jim, honey, sweetie," you say, rubbing your hand on his cheek. "You only know like one song. I know you'll learn but when will you have time?"

"I'll learn and I have time in the bridge. Have you seen how boring it is?.." Jim asked, his voice drawling off as he closed his eyes and changed his tone. You assumed this was to emphasis how boring the bridge was.

You sighed and kissed his lips, rubbing your thumb on his cheek. The stubble of a growing beard poked at your thumb. Jim was hot clean shaven or not, you really didn't care. You just couldn't marvel over how stupid he had to be to buy a guitar.

"I know it's boring but you're not a musician." You insist, gently taking the guitar from his arms. Jim crossed his arms and pouted, but he was unable to hold the pose. A smile brightened his face, causing you to smile and laugh a little too.

"I love you, you know that?" He asked, slowly leaning forward on the couch until he was mostly on top of you. Someone had to be on someone to lay on the couch together. You smiled at him and held him close, entangling your legs together.

"Of course I know that, I love you too." You say, pecking his lips before just holding him close. Jim curled up on you, both of you totally tangled together.

"Let's just hope this doesn't happen to my guitar strings." Jim whispered, the sound of pure terror in his voice. You laughed and ran your hand through his soft blonde hair.

"What? They get tangled.." Jim murmured, nervousness in his voice. You continued to laugh and kissed his cheek. Only Jim would ruin the romance this way.

"Shhhhhh baby." You hush, kissing his temple down to his lips. You two were lost in each other, kissing for a long time.

An alarm started to blare through your quarters, both you and Jim groaned in annoyance at the alarm. "Work calls, that's a special alarm McCoy put in. If I don't answer a certain amount of messages he sends this alarm to get me up." Jim explained, getting off of you and grabbing his guitar. "I'll be back."

He kissed your cheek before leaving and heading to the bridge.

"You just need to sign this and why do you have that?" Spock asked, handing Jim a PADD. Jim signed the agreement, it was just saying that Scotty could make major engineering decisions for the good of the ship the next week without consulting Jim or Spock. That could end good or bad.

"Now that I'm here, I would like to play a song." Jim announced, sitting down on the captains chair with his guitar. He began to strum the strings and feel the music. "I am going to be performing Old McDonald had a farm.."

"NO!" The whole bridge crew screamed, but it was too late to stop the captain from singing. They all sat and laughed as their captain sang a song that's for little kids. Even Spock had to admit it was amusing.

I will be making a part 2!

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