Flattery (Loki)

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Today is a beautiful day outside. The sky is bright blue and the breeze that passes by is wonderful; it's not too cold and it's not too warm. The birds are chirping, but it's not annoying. The leaves that brush against each other creates a nice noise that you can relax too. In my opinion, it's a great day to stay outside and read.

As I sit against a big oak tree, a book lays in my lap while my eyes dance over each word on every page. Beside me sits Loki doing the same as me, although, he seems to be rather bored. Instead of his eyes being on the book, his eyes are cast out over the horizon, watching as the clouds blow by. "Do you know why I love you?" Loki breaks the silence after a few seconds of him looking away from his book.

Closing mine with a bookmark in my place, I look over at the dark haired man with a smile before answering him. "Enlighten me, my love." I tell him, watching as a smile appears on his face as well. Scooting closer to me on the ground, he lays down on his stomach and places his head on my lap, peering up at me through his emerald eyes. "Because you are compassionate, creative, and brilliant," He lists off, causing my cheeks to turn pink and my smile to become bigger. He then leans up and kisses my forehead, his hand cupping my cheek. "Not to mention you are impeccably beautiful, inside and out." He adds before laying his head back down on my lap.

"And you are words so incredible that even I could never compare." I tell him, my (e/c) eyes staring into his. Now it's his turn for his cheeks to turn pink. Averting his eyes away from mine in a bashful way, he wraps his arms around my waist before nuzzling his face into my stomach. "I am never letting go of you." He mutters as I card my fingers through his obsidian locks. Leaning down, I kiss his temple before resting my back against the tree and closing my eyes. "I'll take that as a promise." I tell him, the feeling of tranquility passing over me as I fall into sleep.

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