Maid/Girlfriend (Loki)

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You are Loki's maid and girlfriend. Even though you were not royalty, Loki couldn't help but instantly fall in love with you when you were picked to become his maid. You couldn't help but return the feeling and you both confessed it one night when he made you stay with him for the night.

"(Y/n), could you come here for a second?" Loki asks as you tidy his bed. You smile and walk to the bathroom where Loki stands with a towel around his waist and his hair a mess from the shower. He turns to you with half of his face with shaving cream. "Will you help me, my love?" He asks, smiling and tilting his head. You nod and place a small kiss on his lips before taking his straight razor and finishing the job.

You run your hand across his now smooth face to which he smiles and wraps his arms around your waist. "Will you help me get dressed, love?" He asks, kissing your lips. "Why of course. It's my job isn't it?" You say. "Why, yes, as my queen." He says. You both walk out into the room where you dress him in his Asgardian attire. As you straighten everything out, Loki decides to take ahold of your hips and slams his lips onto yours. His tongue slips into your mouth and your eyes widen at the sudden form of dominance, but they slowly close as you melt into the kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck as he pushes you onto the dresser.

The door then opens and you both disconnect to dart your eyes towards it. A guard stands there shocked and scared. "I have to tell King Odin!" He yells before beginning to run off, only to be dragged back in by Loki's magic. Loki stomps over to him leaving you sitting on the dresser. Loki holds his hand above the guard's eyes as a green glow illuminates from his fingers. "You will not tell Odin or I will personally skin you and make your skin into prisoner food, do you understand?" The guard nods and Loki flicks his fingers before the guard disappears.

"What did you do, my love?" You ask. He turns to you and begins walking back. "Mind control can be used quite to the advantage, my love," He says, before kissing your lips. "Now, let's go ahead and go to breakfast, shall we?"

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