My Puzzle Piece (Tom)

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"Darling, you don't have to fret; I'm fine!" Tom says as I carry a tray with bandages and ointments into the living room. "No, you are not." I reply, placing the tray down on the coffee table. Tom sighs. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?" "No." I answer, sitting next to the tray on the coffee table.

With him sitting up straight, I begin cleaning his wounds; I start with the cut going across his eyebrow. "It was just a stunt accident; I'm fine!" He tries. I stop disinfecting his wound and look him in the eye. "Thomas William Hiddleston," I begin. He stiffens at this; he knows to shut up when I say his full name. "How many times have I gotten sick and you've taken care of me?" He shrugs at this. "Once or twice." "More like a hundred times ten." I correct him. He looks up at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "But it's because I love you." He explains. This makes me smile.

Taking the sides of his face into my hands, I kiss his forehead and say "Then why do you think I'm doing this for you?" He then smiles. "Because you love me." He answers, a smirk taking over his lips. "Bingo." I say. I sit back down and resume cleaning his wounds.

"It disappoints me that they didn't attend to you after you got hurt." I admit, reaching over for another disinfectant wipe. Tom shrugs. "They probably had something more important to do." "More important than you?" I question, stopping what I'm doing. "As if!" He laughs at this and continues smiling. I resume tending to his wound and bandage it up.

"Have you eaten?" I ask, rubbing ointment around his bruised eye. He nods and chuckles. "I ate before I got hurt actually." I laugh with him before rubbing another type of ointment on his busted lip. "Tell me about your day." He says, not moving his lips at all. I smile.

"Well, I left the house after you did and met up with Scarlet. We actually went to a bouquet and we found some really cute outfits for Rose. Afterwards, we went to a book shop and I bought you a few books-" "Darling, you shouldn't have!" Tom interrupts. "But, I had to!" I proclaim, cleaning the gash by his hairline. "I got you King James and Hamlet." "Well," He says, smiling. "That's acceptable." I lightly hit shoulder with a smirk, making him chuckle.

"ANYWAYS," I resume talking about my daily activities. "We also stopped at Victoria's Secret; turns out her secret is that she's really Victor." "Darling, that's awful!" Tom says, laughing. I chuckle and say "Scarlett wanted to go in and sadly for you, I didn't find anything." He lightly smirks. "When we were finished, we went out for coffee and talked for a few before we both went back home."

"It sounds like you had a fun time, but you didn't get yourself anything!" He exclaims. "I don't need anything else, Tom," I assure him, face to face with him. "I have you and that's all that I need. Besides, it wasn't all that fun; I didn't have you with me." He smiles even more before pulling me into a hug. "I love you so much." He says, caressing my back. "I love you too, Thomas. Are you ready to go to bed?" I ask. He nods before standing with me in his arms. "Tom, we've done this before; put me down." I almost demand, wrapping my arms around his neck in case he tries to joke-drop me. "Nope," He answers. "You've treated and pampered me all night; it's my turn." I smile as he begins to walk to our bedroom with me in his arms.

Little itty-bitty time skip

(Tom's POV)
With my chest up against (Y/n)'s bare back, I smile twirling strands of her hair between my fingers as she sleeps. The rhythmic breathing pattern she has is the only thing my hearing focuses on. Inching down to where my face is to her back, I lightly leave kisses along her spine, causing her to lightly stir, but thankfully, she doesn't wake. I scoot back up further and rewrap my arms around her waist, trailing my hands across her stomach.

"You care for me as I care for you. You love me as I love you. You think of me as I think of you. You always talk to me when I need it. You make me smile in the darkest times. You help me when I'm hurt. You trust me as I trust you. (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), you are the one and only woman who completes me. You are my other puzzle piece." With that, I lightly kiss her head before drifting into peaceful slumber with the most amazing person in the world lying next to me.

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