Halloween (Loki)

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Setting: You're an Asguardian

Because Asgard does not celebrate Halloween, Thor came from Midgard and told you and Loki about it. He then grabbed both your hands and you all teleported to Midgard. You and Loki were left speechless at how quick everything went down and Thor simply smiled. Thor then introduced you to the "avengers" and that's where you are now..

"Hey, reindeer games!" Tony says to Loki, earning a glare from him. Tony looks over at you and back at Loki. "Finally got some?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Not knowing what he just said, you tilt your head out of confusion and Loki looks at him with eyes that could kill. Natasha then slaps Tony across the face and Thor says "Do not talk that way about my brother's maiden." Natasha, now smiling, walks to you and introduces her self. "I'm Natasha." She says, grinning. You both shake hands and you say "I am (Y/n)." You smile back at her and she asks "Do you want to see something odd?" You smile and nod. She takes your hand and takes you down the hall and into her room.

Loki's POV
I smile as I see Lady (Y/n) walk with Lady Natasha. "Well, tonight, Brother Anthony is hosting a party. Would you like to come with, brother?" Thor asks. I turn towards him and say "That would be up to Lady (Y/n)'s judgement." "JARVIS, ask (Y/n) if she would like to come to a party tonight." Anthony says, towards the ceiling. "Yes, Mr. Stark." A robotic voice answers back. Eyes wide, I look up at the ceiling and Anthony says "Calm down, reindeer games." I send him a glare before the thing says back "She said it is up to Loki's judgement, Mr. Stark." I turn towards Thor and say "I guess we will be going, brother." Thor then grins and gives me a bone crushing hug. "Dear Odin, please put me down." I say. Thor then drops me and I stand quickly. Steve then smirks from across the room and says "Well, you have to have a costume."

(Y/n)'s POV
After Natasha shows you her secret pet dragon, she says "Since it is a Halloween costume party, what do you want to wear?" You smile and say "I do not know. To be quite honest, I have never celebrated Halloween." She grins and squeals. "Let's go shopping!" She grabs my hand and you say "Shopping?" She then pulls you out of her room and dashes down the hall into a run. You stand and wait for her to come back. She eventually does, but with a small, blue rectangle in her hand. You squint your eyes at it and see 'Anthony H. Stark' printed out on it. Natasha holds it up and smirks. "Let's go shopping."

"That was actually quite fun." You say, changing into your costume in her room. "So, they don't have shopping in Asgard?" She asks from her vanity. You shake your head and slip on your red and black lace Victorian dress on. She turns to you now done with her circus leader makeup and costume. She smiles and asks "Can I do your makeup and hair?" She claps her hands toether and her eyes go wide. "I have the perfect idea for it!" She exclaims excitedly. You smile at her enthusiasm and nod. You sit on the stool for the vanity and she brushes your hair out. She does a braided 'updo' and a 'grunge' makeup. Finished, you both head to the party.

Once in the party, You see Loki dressed as a Victorian prince. You smile and walk closer to him. Must you say, he does look ravishing. You wrap your arm around his and he looks at you. His eyes widen at the sight of you and he smiles. He turns towards you and wraps his arms around your waist. "My, my, Lady (Y/n)! You look absolutely stunning!" He exclaims. You smile and say "I could say the same thing about you, love." He smirks and kisses your cheek. "Shall we spend the night having fun, my love?" He asks. You smile and kiss his cheek like did to you.

"Why, yes of course, my prince."

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