A Spider?! (Tom)

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Watching Sherlock in our living room, I wait for Tom to come back so I can unpause the episode. I look at the clock and see he's been in the bathroom for forty minutes already. I groan before standing from the couch and walking to the bathroom. The door is cracked and I see no one on the toilet or by the sink. Confused, I open the door fully and see Tom standing the shower ledge, looking frightened. "Tom? What's wrong?" I ask, walking in. "Th-there is a spider over there." He says, pointing his shaky finger. I look over at where he's pointing and see a tiny spider on the wall.

Taking double takes between Tom and the spider, I bust out laughing and Tom scowls. "It's not funny." He says, gritting his teeth. I make an inverted laugh just to tease him before walking over to the spider, still laughing. I take my shoe off and squash the tiny guy. I pick the spider bits with a square of toilet tissue and walk over to the trash can, laughing all the way! "Darling, you are so cruel." Tom says, referring to me laughing. I laugh a couple times before stopping and walking in front of him. He hops down from the ledge and I take his hands in mine. "I'm laughing because it took you forty minutes for me to come in and kill a spider," I say as he frowns. I smile before kissing his cheek. "Being afraid of a spider doesn't make you any lesser of a man and it doesn't mean I love you any less." He smiles and hugs me. "Why don't I take a shower and then we can finish the Sherlock episode, okay?" Tom suggests. I nod and say "Sounds good to me."

Laying back down on the couch, I close my eyes and decide to take a nap. Tom's showers usually take him a good thirty minutes, so why not? I begin to doze off, but I open my eyes to a song coming from the bathroom. Tom's singing again. I chuckle to myself before walking back to the bathroom. I recognize the tune 'the itsy bitsy spider' and laugh. Tom is such a corny fellow.

I walk into the bathroom and stand against the counter. "The itsy bitsy spider came crawling up the bathroom wall. In came the queen and killed the spider, dead-" "Tom, your singing is nice and all, but I would like to take a nap." I interrupt him. He pokes his head out of the shower and smirks. "Care to join me?" He asks. I roll my eyes with a smile and say "No, but if you want, you can join me for Sherlock." He laughs and says "Okay, love. I'll be out in a minute." I nod and walk back out of the bathroom and into the living room. I flop down on the couch and quickly fall asleep.

Tom's POV
Walking out in my pajamas, I find (Y/n) passed out on the couch. Smirking, I turn the telly off and pick (Y/n) up in my arms. "Good thing you were smart enough to put pajamas on." I say to her sleeping form. She reacts by snoring loudly in my ear, making me chuckle.

In our bedroom, I lay her down in our bed and lay beside her. She instantly cuddles up against me and stays asleep. "I love how you treat others, (Y/n)," I say, knowing she's asleep. "I would tell you these things when you are awake, but you would deny and not listen to a single word I say, so I tell you this now so I can get it off of my chest. You are an amazing person, inside and out. Not only do you glow on the outside, but also on the inside. You always teach me something new every day, whether it be about you or how to treat people. You have taught me to enjoy the little things and see the good thing in a bad situation. Smiling, laughing, and giggling are my favorite things you do because when you're happy, I'm happy. I never want you sad because that would be like covering the sun up. You are my sun and world. You are my everything."

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