Who Is That Girl? (Tom)

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Walking into the recording studio, you calm your shaking hands and greet the director before pulling out your script and reviewing your lines. You play as a Victorian style woman who meets a Victorian man at a library with his brother and it turns into a romance/drama part. They haven't told you who plays the male part is yet nor have they told you who the brother is.

Your thoughts are interrupted by hushed whispering near you. Looking up, you see two men. "They look so familiar..." you think to yourself. It then hits you; it's Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch! They both smile at your shocked form and walk over to you. "Hello, darling." Tom says grinning. "Hi..." you say, nervously. "Hello." Benedict says smiling. You say hi again and smile. "What character are you playing?" Tom asks. "I am Olivia," You say. "And you guys?" "Philip." Benedict says. "Xavier." Tom says. No way... This can't be happening! Tom Hiddleston is the male character who you have to kiss and hug and other things! "(Y/n), makeup!" The director calls, interrupting you from your mini celebration. You smile at the two men before walking off. "Geez, I think after seeing someone that gorgeous, I don't think I'll be able to remember my lines." Tom says to Benedict, thinking you were far away enough to not hear. You smile as your cheeks blush and you continue walking to the makeup room, happier than ever

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