Baby Girl Shopping (Loki)

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"Loki, which one do you think is cuter?" I ask, holding up a beige and silver butterfly dress in my left hand and a white and coral polka dot romper in my right hand.

Loki smiles and rubs my pregnant belly

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Loki smiles and rubs my pregnant belly. "Ask her and see. I don't doubt she'll respond." He says, staring at my belly lovingly. I smile and look down at my large belly with him with him. "Would you like this one or this one?" I ask, putting the dress on my left side and the romper my right. She kicks on my left before moving and kicking my right. I laugh and say "I think she likes both." Loki laughs and places the two clothing items in the cart. "Then we shall get both." He says, before looking over at the shelf and laughing. Picking up a onesie, he says "Oh darling, we have to get this."

I smile and look at the onesie

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I smile and look at the onesie. It's white with purple letters saying "I'm sassy like my mommy". Loki places it in the cart and we continue looking.

We end up finding a red and white striped frilly romper, a dark red velvet coat, a dark blue romper with a black and white polka dotted bow belt, a dark red and white polka dotted dress with a lace collar, a outfit set of a cream skirt with a black floral sweater, a cream dress with a dig design and a pink sweater to go with it, and a jean jacket dress with cream skirt with flower decorations.

We end up finding a red and white striped frilly romper, a dark red velvet coat, a dark blue romper with a black and white polka dotted bow belt, a dark red and white polka dotted dress with a lace collar, a outfit set of a cream skirt with a blac...

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"Darling, I told you that I would help you pack everything into the car," Loki says, as I place the bags in the trunk. "I don't want the baby accidently getting hurt." I smile and rise up from leaning over. I kiss Loki's cheek and say "It's okay, darling." I close the trunk and tiredness suddenly hits me. I place a hand on my head and lean against the car. "Are you okay, darling?" Loki asks worriedly. I nod and say "I'm just tired all of a sudden, that's all." He nods and says "I will drive home then." He helps me into the passenger seat and as soon as I hit the seat, I am out.

My eyes open after being woken up by humming and a sweet aroma filling my senses. I smile and try to sit up. Hands are immeaditly on my back helping me up and look over to see Loki beside me. "Hello, darling." I say smiling. He smiles back and says "Hello, love. Do you feel alright?" I slowly nod and say "I'm still tired, but that's it." He nods and kisses my forehead. "Good." He says. He helps me sit back against the couch and I place a hand on my swollen tummy. "It looks like she grew another inch." I remark. Loki rubs his hand against my belly and smiles. "It does. I guess Mother was right when she said the baby would be giant." I look up at him and kiss his cheek. "She probably made me tired by being excited about clothes shopping." Loki laughs and says "A typical woman already!" I fake gasp and playfully hit his shoulder. "I'm just joking, my love." He says, smiling. He stares at my stomach for a few seconds before saying "God, how I can't wait to see her." I hug him closer to me and smile.

"Neither can I, my love. Neither can I."

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