You Shouldn't Be Insecure (Tom)

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"Are you almost ready?" My granma asks as I smooth out my dress that Tom got me for Christmas last year. It's a cremé color dress with black lace covering it and a jewel neckline. "Almost, granma!" I yell, sliding on my black stilettos. My granma opens the door and walks in with something behind her back before smiling and looking at my outfit. "You look lovely, baby." She says, making me smile. I walk over to her and she hands me what's behind her back: a black trench coat. "I love it, granma!" I say, grinning at the coat. I quickly hug her and she hugs back. "What do you think Tom will think about it?" She asks. I smile and say "He'll love it," I take my face away from her shoulder and face her old, yet beautiful face. "I know he will."

After putting on the coat and loading up in the car, granma drove me to where I was supposed to meet Tom: the premiere of one of his movies. He couldn't pick me up due to an interview, so my granma decided to drop me off. Tom wanted me to go with him to the premiere even after I told him that I didn't want to embarrass him, but Tom being Tom, he didn't listen. He persisted and persisted until I said yes and then he said that he had already booked a hotel room with two double beds. Why two double beds even though Tom and I sleep in the same bed? My granma was coming along also.

"Have fun, baby!" Granma yells, before driving off. I smile and walk to where all the celebrities would be. The guard recognizes me and let's me pass. I walk down the hall until I see a room with 'Tom' on it in large black letters. I lightly knock on the door before opening it and walking in. Looking around, I see no one; wierd.

About to turn around, I'm enveloped in strong and long arms and the color brown invades my sight, causing me to giggle and hug back, my hand running across brown velvet. "You look amazing, darling," Tom says, pulling away from me. He looks down at me with the biggest smile and says "I love the new coat." "Granma got it for me." I say, hanging my arms across his shoulders. He grins and says "That awesome woman; just like her grandaughter." Blushing, I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"I wore the dress you got me for Christmas." I say, before taking off the coat. His eyes widen and he says "My gosh, it was made exactly for you!" His hands trail down my sides and I can't help but slightly giggle. Tom picks up on it and begins full-on tickling me. I laugh hysterically before he stops, pulling me to him again.

"I'm so glad you're here." He mutters, hugging me as close as he can. "I'm glad you made me come. I would've missed you too much at home." I say, placing my hands on his upper back. He nods and says "I agree. I miss you enough while filming and if I have the chance to not miss you, I'll take it." My heart melts at his words and I lean my head on his shoulder. "I could stay like this forever." I say, closing my eyes. "Me too."

A knock on the door makes us jolt and we hear a worker tell us the premiere evening begins in ten minutes. We both smile at each other and share a kiss before walking to the door. "Oh, wait!" Tom says, running back to the coffee table and back with a box. He hands it to me and I open it. Taking it out, I see it's a small chain necklace with a heart locket. "Tom, you didn't have to," I say, smiling. I open the locket and see on one side, a picture of us in Paris, kissing under the eiffel tower, and the other side is a picture of us on Christmas morning in our Christmas pajamas. "Tom," I say, slowly repeating myself. "I love it." He grins. "Fantastic." He helps me put it on before I put the trench coat back on.

Tom's eyebrows furrow as he watches me button the trench coat all the way to the top. "How many times do I have to tell you that you are beautiful and you shouldn't be insecure?" Tom says, placing his hands on my hips. I slowly look down and think about my weight. I've always been insecure about it and I feel beautiful, I really do! It's just when I'm around Tom and other people, I don't want the people to think he's dating a fat cow.

A thought then occurs to me and I smirk. I take the trench coat back off and say "Okay, Tom. I'll be beautiful tonight just for you." He grins from ear to ear and says "That is perfectly fine with me, darling. But, you're always beautiful no matter what." We then walk out of the room and down to where the red carpet begins. The worker aligns us all in order and we wait to go in front of all the cameras and reporters.

When it's finally our turn, we walk out in front of everyone and smile for the cameras. Wrapping an arm around my waist, Tom pulls me closer to him before kissing me. I hug my arms around his neck and smile in the kiss. As the lights flash around us, I can't help but feel insecure again, only to push the thoughts away like before. When we stop kissing, we walk off of the red carpet and into the building where we watch the new movie. "Darling," Tom whispers into my ear. "No matter what anyone says, you're more beautiful than any other woman on this earth."

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