The Cape (Tom)

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"Love, where are we going? " Tom asks as we drive. I smile and say "We are going to a fabric shop so I can get some fabric to sew with," I look down at my seven month pregnant belly and say "Being seven months pregnant with your baby makes it hard to do anything." Tom laughs and says "I wasn't the only one participating in the making of her. " I laugh and turn into the store's parking lot. Finding a close enough place to park, I park and we both get out of the car. Being pregnant with a Hiddleston baby limits me to things and when Diana told me that I would be sitting down or bedridden for the next two months, I decided on doing my favorite hobby. Sewing.

Walking into the store, a worker greets us. "Hello, welcome to Jane's fabrics!" She says while cutting a customer's fabric. I smile and take a cart. I walk over to the fleece section while Tom goes to look at other materials. I smile upon seeing a fleece bundle with a purple background and pink butterflies flying throughout it. I pick up a pink fleece to go with it and find more fabrics.

In the end, I found a Walking Dead and red fleece set, a Doctor Who and navy blue set, a black and pink polka dot pattern and a black fleece set, and the butterfly set.

Walking towards the rest of the materials, I find the materials to make flags. A green material catches my eye and I walk over to it. Next to it is a black material. I run my fingers across it and smile seeing a golden material a few feet down. An idea then crosses my mind. Maybe I can make something for Tom... Two little feet kick against my stomack, causing me to giggle. "Yes, we are going to surprise daddy." I say, grinning. I place the materials in the cart and hurry to get the materials cut so Tom doesn't see it.

After placing everything in the trunk, Tom closes the trunk lid and kisses my cheek. "Do we need to do anything else, love?" He asks. "No, I think that's it. Although..." I say. Tom smirks and glances over at me. "Is the baby craving Chick-fil-A again?" I smile and say "Yes."

After eating lunch, Tom and I head home. In a matter of three hours, I'm almost done with one blanket. Now at seven, Tom cooks dinner while humming and I smile. I finish off the butterfly set and pat my belly, earning a few kicks from my baby girl. "Yes, your first blankie is finished, baby girl," I say, smiling. I fold the finished butterfly blanket and start spreading out the polka dot set. "Now to do your other blankie." I decided to make the cape tomorrow since Tom will be filming for the next few days.

"Love, I really hate to leave you like this." Tom says as we stand outside. "Tom, it's fine," I say, placing my hand on his cheek. "We'll be okay." He nods and a blue car parks at the end of our driveway. "Brother Loki!" Chris Hemsworth says, popping his head out of the car. Tom and I both laugh and Chris gets out of his car.

Walking up to us, he stops beside Tom and stares at my belly. "My gosh, the little buggar has grown bigger," He says. Tom and I smile and Chris asks "Have you found out about the gender?" Tom and I look at each other and smile. "It's a girl. " Tom says, smiling brightly. Chris smiles and says "Amazing," He holds his hands over my belly and asks "May I?" I smile and nod. He places his hands on my belly and she kicks repeatedly. Chris gasps and Tom and I laugh. "So that's what a baby's kick feels like!" Chris says, amazed. Tom laughs and Chris takes his hands off of my belly.

"Well, are you ready to go?" Chris asks, turning to Tom. Tom nods and picks his bag up. Chris walks back to his car and Tom kisses my cheek. "I really don't want to leave you like this." Tom says. "Really, it's fine, Tom! I'm safe and she's safe. It's all good." I say. Tom smiles and kisses me. "I love you so much, darling." He says. I kiss his nose and say "I love you too, ma' honey." He smiles and walks to Chris and his car. Chris and Tom both wave at me as they drive away and I wave back. My smile slowly fades away and I walk back in the house.

Taking out my sewing machine, threads, tape measures, and the materials, I smile as I begin to cut everything out. I decided on doing the front with the green material, the back with the black material, the border with the golden material, and to top it off, I'll cut out Loki's helmet symbol from the leftover gold material and sew it in the middle. "I hope Tom will like it." I say to myself, smiling.

"(Y/n), I'm home." Tom says, placing his bag down on the coffee table. "Once second!" I yell from the dining room. I finish the last stitch and hold the cape up. "Love?" I hear behind me. I look back and see Tom at the doorway, smiling. "What is that?" He asks walking towards me. I hand him the cape and he stares at it with awe. "This is awesome, (Y/n)!" He says, excitement trailing his voice. I smile and say "Turn around." He does so and I help him put on the cape. He turns back around, the cape flowing behind him. "Kneel." He says, turning into his Loki voice. I look down at my stomach and say "I'm not going to take that chance." He laughs and kisses me. "Thank you, Love."

My eyes flutter open and I feel a small weight on my belly. I sit up and smile seeing the cape lain across my stomach. I look to my left and see Tom not beside me. He must be in the kitchen. I take the cape from my stomach and put it around me like a blanket. I walk out into the kitchen and see Tom at the stove making breakfast. He sees me and smiles.

"Good morning, my love."

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