The Wedding Dress (Loki)

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"You look so amazing, daughter." Mother Frigga says as she finishes my hair. I smile and feel across my dress, my fingers and hands shaking. "I'm really, really nervous, mother Frigga." I confess to her, my voice shaky. I turn to her as she smiles at me, placing her warm hands against the side of my face. "There is no need for that, dear," She turns me back around and makes me face the body length mirror. "Now tell me," She begins. "How do you see this day?" "My wedding-" I quickly answer, only to be cut off by Mother Frigga. "Other than that." She corrects me. I smile, letting out a small sigh at the remembrance of what I've been calling this day since I was engaged. "My happiest day," I start. "The beginning to a new and happier step in life." I see Mother Frigga break into a grin before a tear cascades down her face. Slightly chuckling, I turn toward her smirking. "Now, Mother Frigga," I begin, wiping away the tear. "There is no need for that." She quickly breaks into a small giggle at the irony, grinning. "I'm sorry," She apologizes, waving her hand. "It's just thinking about how mature my son has gotten and how much of an amazing woman you are... I just can't hold it all in," I chuckle along with her before she lets out a happy breath. "I guess all I have to say is... welcome to the family."

After sliding on my white flats with jewels on them, Mother Frigga and I wait for the music to start so we can enter. She places my veil over my face, another tear sliding down my cheek. "Daughter, please do not cry." Mother Frigga, nearly pleads, wiping it away. I giggle. "I know, I know," I assure her, before taking in a breath of courage. "I'm just anticipating seeing Loki... do you think he'll like my dress you made?" Mother Frigga chuckles. "Darling, I read both of your minds and based the dress off your ideas... I think you can clearly tell he was the one who thought of the top part." I gaze down at the sleeveless dress with pearls lacing the top of my dress and the neckline being a sweetheart neckline. I chuckle. "Yeah, I can see that." She smiles. "I think he will love it."

As soon as she says that, the typical wedding music begins playing, my nerves jolting as a reaction. "Are you ready, dear?" Mother Frigga asks, making me smile. Because of Mother Frigga's voice, I feel myself calm down as I wrap my arm around Mother Frigga's arm and brace myself. The doors in front of us then open and we begin walking in.

Right now, I don't care about everyone's eyes on me. All I care about is Loki. Everyone's eyes won't matter in our marriage, but Loki's will.

Speaking of the handsome man, he currently stands in front of the alter, his eyes glued on me and mouth slightly open in shock. There's only one way to describe Loki's expression; mesmerized. I slightly giggle quietly at Loki as Mother Frigga and I walk closer.

Almost as if the seconds were milliseconds, I appear in front of Loki as Mother Frigga leaves me to speak at the alter. "Goodness, my love," Loki begins, taking my hands in his while scanning his eyes over the dress. "You look amazing." I smile shyly with red cheeks. "Thank you, my love." I tell him, his eyes darting up to mine. In a whisper tone, Loki looks up and silently chuckles. "I am truly awestruck, my love," he informs me. "Your beauty is and always will be above all others."

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