I Am Loved Again (Loki)

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This is an AU! Thor: The Dark World never happened.

Today, I notice Loki being a little bit gloomy. He's not talking like he usually is, and anytime he does speak, his words are short. Also, he's not holding me or my hand like he usually does. Loki tends to find that touching some part of me helps him be comfortable and happier.

Concerned, I stand from my desk chair and walk over to royal sofa where Loki lays, staring up into the skylight above him. Lying next to him on the sofa, I watch as he takes a few breaths and then hitches. "Is something wrong, darling?" I ask, concern filling my voice as my eyebrows furrow. He then shuts his eyes and let's out a strained breath before speaking. "My love," he begins. "Is it okay for a man to show weakness?" I simply smile and place a hand over his heart, feeling the organ beat a little faster than it should. "Yes, of course. It's just natural feelings," I answer him, laying my head on his shoulder and kissing his cheek at the same time. "I won't judge you." I assure him.

He sighs before speaking "I attacked a place on Midgard and I-" He cuts himself off, closing his eyes while taking a slow breath before resuming. "I hurt a lot of people. I turned against my own brother, father, and mother all because I desired to be king. I was stubborn and I was sent to the dungeon until I felt remorse. I found it time wasting until I finally thought about it. I felt so much worse than ever before and I thought my mother and father would never forgive me. Much to my surprise, Mother knew I felt remorse and had already forgiven me. Soon enough, Thor even forgave me and I let go of the fact I was adopted. As if five hundred weights had been lifted from my shoulders, I felt happy and I never thought I'd ever feel that again," he then opens his eyes and turns his head to me, a small smile gracing his lips. "I also thought that no one would ever truly love me. When I first saw you, I instantly fell in love with you. Thank you for loving me back, (Y/n)."

I can't help but smile with tears lacing my eyes as he quickly, but lovingly kisses my cheek. "I love you so much." I say to him, his lips lingering against my cheek. His lips lift into a smile against my skin as he hugs me closer to him, moving to place his head in my neck. "I love you too, dear," he tells me, placing a kiss against my skin while nuzzling deeper. "So, so, so much."

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