Different? Different.

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"She's so stupid! I mean, look at her." I look up from my shoes and see the mean girls staring at me. They all throw their blonde hair back, which I know became that color by magic, and laugh at me. I slowly look down again and the trumpet echoes, signaling that classes have begun. I quickly walk to my classroom and see almost every seat filled, except one next to a boy with long, slicked back, black hair and his eyes stuck in a book. I shyly sit in the empty seat beside him and he looks up from his book beside him. He quickly glances back at his book and back at me. He smiles kindly and holds his hand out. "Loki." He says. "(Y/n)..." I shyly say back, shaking his hand.

A little introduction with exchanging names and shaking hands let us become friends with laughs and jokes. He made my school life in Asgard easier... but I knew it wasn't going to be easy at all. Being a Jotun is the worst when you live in Asgard. The differences you have between others... you're singled out for it even though no one has any clue about it.

"Look how stupid she is!" One of the mean girls say, quoting one of their famous statements. Loki looks at me and his face saddens. I told him not to defend me when they did this. I look around me as we stand on the hill of a iceland. We're on a field trip, and the girls decided that this was the perfect day to bully me. "Aww, is the baby not gonna say anything?" The main one says. She then steps forward and pushes me. I lose my balance quickly and fall backwards onto the mountain. Gravity quickly picks up and I begin falling, almost flying at this speed. "(Y/n)!!" Loki yells, before dashing down the snow covered hill. I can't watch him as I do back flips over and over again, so I close my eyes and hope to stop rolling. I fall through something and yelp as my back encounters something hard. I open my eyes and see a hole a few yards above me; I apparently fell in a trench of some sort. I stand and look down to see my jacket and clothes are all ripped up, exposing my skin. As soon as I do, my pale skin turns into icy blue runes. My eyes close as tears begin to fall and I fall to my knees. I cover my eyes with my hands and start sobbing. I hate this side of me!

"(Y/n)!" I hear above me, but I dare not look up. I recognise the voice as Loki's and scoot back so he doesn't see my hideous skin. "Loki, don't look at me!" I yell. A thud sound rings in my ear and I keep looking down and covering my skin and face. "(Y/n)?" I hear in front of me. "Don't look at me!" I say once more. Soft hands grasp my arms and take them away from my face. I slowly open my tear strung red eyes and see Loki in front of me with a sympathetic expression on his face. "Please," I say as more tears fall. "Don't think any different of me." He smiles and his skin starts slowly turning blue with runes. His eyes gradually turn red as I become shocked.

Fully Jotun, Loki grins and wipes away my tears. "I won't look at you different if you don't look at me different," he says. I smile and instantly throw my arms around his shoulders, earning his arms around my waist. "(Y/n), I've been wanting to do this for a while." Loki says, shortly before kissing me. I smile at the cold, yet warm sensation on my lips. "You are too beautiful to think negative about yourself," He says, running his hand over my head. "Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/n)?" I smile and say "Of course." He grins and kisses me again. "My one true Jotun." He says, sitting beside me. I laugh and playfully punch his arm.


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