Accidents Happen! (Loki)

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Loki's POV
Tonight, I want to practice my fire magic. I haven't done it in a while, so why not?

Focusing on keeping it between my hands, I lift my hands a little and it orbits between my hands. I then lose focus when I hear the door open. The sudden noise makes my eyes dart to it and my fingers flick, sending the fire orbit towards... (Y/n)! She stares shocked with wide eyes and places a hand over her arm. I immeadietly rush over to Lady (Y/n) and take her free hand in mine. "I am so sorry, my love!" I say, watching her shocked expression stay as it is. "It's alright." She says blankly. She removes her hand from her arm and a big burn is there. My eyes widen and she covers it back up with her hand. "It's okay, Loki!" She says, looking into my eyes. "No, its not!" I say, taking her hand away from her arm. The burn is very deep and it looks like a 3rd degree burn. She then leans against me and I say "We are going to fetch a healer. Now." She nods and I pick her up bridal style. I quickly teleport to the medical room and a healer runs up to us. "What seems to be the matter, sir?" She asks. I see Lady (Y/n) trying her hardest to stay awake. "Lady (Y/n), remove your hand." I say. Too tired to even focus, her head leans against me and I remove her hand myself. The burn has gotten worse. "Oh my." The nurse says shocked. She then runs down the hall to a room and gestures for me to follow. I instead teleport, and place Lady (Y/n) on the bed. The healer walks in with medical equipment and asks "Is she a heavy sleeper?" I nod and say "She sleeps through everything." I walk to the other side of Lady (Y/n) and take her hand in mine. I bring it to my lips and say "I'm so sorry."

After (Y/n) is bandaged and everything, she wakes up to me kissing her cheek. She slept through a skin graph, salves, and bandages, yet, she woke up to me kissing her hand. I chuckle at the strangeness and she looks up at me. She smiles and sits up. She looks at her arm and says "What happened?" My eyebrows raise at her forgetfulness and I say "I accidently burned you with a fire spell," I stare at her a few more seconds, before asking "Don't you remember?" She smiles and says "I remember being carried by my king." Smiling, I gently put my hand on hers and say "I am so sorry." Noticing my sudden guilt, she smiles and puts both her hands on my face. I look up at her and she says "Loki, this is nothing. Do not feel guilty. My arm will heal, okay?" I smile at her kindness and she kisses me. I put both my arms around her waist and pull her close. She responds by moving her hands from my face and wrapping her arms around my neck. She deepens the kiss by tilting her head a little. "OH!" We both hear. We both look at the door to see the healer holding a tray and a blush on her cheeks. "I am so sorry! Carry on!" She then leaves the room in a hurry and (Y/n) and I both chuckle. Looking back at each other, (Y/n) furrows her eyebrows and looks down at her bandaged arm. "But my arm does burn a little..." She says slowly. I smile and put my hand over the bandaged spot on her arm. I turn into my Jotun form and she sighs of relief. She leans her head onto my shoulder and smiles up at me. "Thank you, my love." She says.

"Hey, I'm just saying sorry... again."

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