Two?! (Tom)

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"And you say you're feeling wierd and unusual?" The nurse asks. I nod and she writes something down. "How many weeks are you along?" "Thirty-nine." I say, Tom rubbing my belly. The nurse writes it down and walks closer. "Let me feel, real quick." She says, placing her hands on her hands on my stomach. She pushes slightly and I wince at the strong pain. Looking up at me, she asks "Are the pains continual? Having time differences in between?" I nod and she stands back up straight and smiles. "You might be in labor," she says. "We will wheel you into the OB-GYN and they'll see if you're dilated." I nod slowly, trying to comprehend what we were just told, and she walks out of the room.

Tom rushes closer to my panicked form and places both hands on my shoulders. "Hey, it's okay, love." He says. I look up at his face; I know he's trying to hide his worry, but it's evident in his eyes. I slowly nod once more and place a hand on my belly. "What if I'm not in labor, Tom?" I say, concern filling my emotions. "What if... what if..." I say, trailing off with other 'what if' s and becoming scared of my own words. "No, darling," he says, placing his forehead against mine. "She's fine. She's perfectly healthy." He says, reassuringly. The door then opens and the nurse walks in with a wheelchair ready to go.

After the nurse pushes me in the wheel chair and helps me onto the OB-GYN table, the gynecologist looks at my business with wide eyes. "Oh wow." The gyno says, looking back at us. "What?" Tom and I both ask frantically. "You are already six centimeters dilated! How did you not realize?" Tom and I slightly chuckle and I say "I don't know." "Well, you'll be transported back to the room and a nurse will come by continually and check your dilating. In the mean time, count your contractions and the time length differences between them."

2 hours later.
"No, Tom. I swear it feels like I'm at least ten centimeters!" He chuckles and asks "Do I need to call a nurse?" Another contraction hits and I grit my teeth while placing a hand  to my stomach. I breathe in and out and say "Please." As soon as he presses the button, the nurse walks through the door, smiling, and says "I was just about to come in here and check. Now, let's have a look..." I do the whole putting-your-legs-on-metal stands so she can look. She does so, but becomes confused. "I'll be right back." she says, walking out. Tom and I exchange dumbfounded expressions before glancing toward the doors again.

The doctor walks through and the nurse tells him to look. He does so so and chuckles. "One in a thousand, Nurse Martha," he says to the nurse before looking at me and Tom. "You are twelve centimeters dilated!" Mine and Tom's eyes go wide and the doctor chuckles. "Let's go ahead and roll her into delivery." The doctor says before the nurse helps me off the bed and walks me out into the hall. A rolling bed sits there waiting for me, and with Tom's help, I lay down. The doctor hands Tom disposable blue scrubs and hat so Tom can be in there with me. Tom puts the stuff over his regular clothes and leans over me with a smile. "Are you ready, darling?" He says. "Yes, but this just doesn't feel right; it feels wierd." "Well, we'll do a ultrasound and see if there's anything wrong, but as far as now, you're good!" The nurse says.

Turns out our daughter had turned to where she would've come out feet first. Along with the doctor, we decided to try doing it normally, but she wouldnt move down farther. Even though I was dilated fully, she wouldn't move so there was only one option left: emergency c-section. Since being born feet first has a lot of birth risks, we agreed to do an emergency C-section. They gave me a shot to numb from the middle of the chest down and placed a surgery curtain so I couldn't see what they were doing.

"Tom, I'm scared." I say, holding onto his hand. He bends down and kisses me through his surgical mask. "It'll be okay, my love," He says, wiping away a few of my shed tears. I look at the sheet and Tom quickly says "Hey, look at me," I look over at him as he places his forehead against mine. "I'm right here."

"Here is the baby girl!" The doctor says. Tom and I grin before beginning to proudly cry. "Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asks, smiling up at Tom. Tom nods without a second thought and walks over there. "And the other one." My eyes widen and it sounds as if a TV had been cut off

Tom's excited chuckle sounds through the room and I grin before covering my tearful eyes with my hands. A nurse comes to my side and says "Congratulations, Mrs. Hiddleston. You have given birth to twins: one boy and one girl." I let out a silent laugh and wipe away tears. The nurses clean and prep the babies as the doctor puts everything back in my stomach and staples the incision after taking out the placenta (😝 *gags*).

"Love," Tom says, carrying each baby in an arm. I smile as more tears pool out of my eyes. "Veronica Sarah and Chase Grant." Tom says, repeating the names we had gone over a million times. Tom places Veronica in my arm and I smile at the bundle of pink blankets and a baby in my arm; she has Tom's hair and my eyes. "Hello, Veronica," I say, grazing my finger over her cheek. "I'm your mommy." Another tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. Tom then sits next to me with Chase in his arms and chuckles. "He has your hair, my dear." Tom notes. I look over and see Tom is right.

"Oh boy." Tom says, shaking his head. "What?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed. Tom looks at me with a mischievous smile and wide eyes. "It will be fun raising them especially since they're both, you know, our children and have both of our family genes."

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