Fairy Tales (Loki)

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"And when Cinderella heard the prince's voice, she banged atop the cellar door and cried out as loud as she could for she wanted to see her true love, the prince." I read aloud, pausing at prince. I look at Alex as he sits with his legs crossed patiently waiting for the ending. I smile and look back at the book of fairy tales in my hand.

"Soon, the prince heard the banging and asked where she was. The evil stepmother responded with a hearty laugh and said, 'Are you crazy? There is no one else here except me and my beautiful daughters.' But the prince wouldn't listen. He instead went to where the noise was coming from and unlatched the cellar. He was greeted with Cinderella and she smiled up at him, for he was her hero. After helping her out of the cellar, the prince placed the glass slipper upon her foot and was filled with joy upon seeing it fit. They soon wed and lived happily. Ever. After." I finish, closing the book. Alex smiles and claps his hands along with his little sister kicking against my stomach. I smile and say "You both must have liked the story."

A simple knock sounds against the door frame and I look towards it to see Loki standing there with a smile on his face. "Oh, hello, dear." I say, grinning at him. "Daddy!" Alex says, running towards Loki. Loki catches him in his arms and swings him in the air. I push myself out of the office chair and stretch my back before walking over to the pair. They both look so alike. Alex has Loki's black hair and pale skin, along with one green eye and another (e/c).

Rubbing my hand over Alex's hair, he smiles at me and Loki asks "Who is ready for their eight o'clock bath?" "Me!" Alex says, causing us to both to smile. Loki walks to our bathroom and I stay in our office. I put away the fairy tale book on the book shelf and feel a hard kick against my stomach. I place a hand to my stomach and slowly inhale and exhale. Some Jotun baby kicks are extremely hard and painful, but I won't tell Loki. They only start getting painful when I'm around seven months and I can't move as much.

Leaning against the bookcase, I slowly catch my breath and wobble to our bedroom. Once in our bedroom, I dress in a nightgown and lay down on my back. I slowly rub my swollen stomach and continue inhaling and exhaling. She starts lightly kicking and I smile. "It's okay, baby," I say, closing my eyes. "You only hurt momma for a second."

After Alex is done in the bath and tucked into bed, Loki comes into our room and dresses in pajamas before climbing into bed next to me. Smiling, he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and lightly kisses my collarbone. I smile along with him and say "This is all like a fairy tale, my love." Loki leans up and smiles at me. "I sometimes find myself asking if this is all a dream," he says. His ivy eyes stare into my eyes and he places his hand on my belly. "I am so lucky to have you, Alex, and our daughter that we haven't named." He kisses my forehead and I place my hand on his cheek. "Love, we both share the luck." The baby then kicks hard again and I wince. Loki feels the kick through his hand and he frowns. "Did Alex kick this hard, also?" I nod and he sighs.

"You are now bed ridden for the remainder of your pregnancy." He says, smiling. "More fairytales!" Alex yells from the door. We both look over and see Alex at the doorway with his green blankie in hand. "I thought I put you to bed, you munchkin." Loki says, grinning. Alex then runs at our bed and jumps under he covers where he nuzzles his head into my side. "I'm scared, mommy." He says. "Why are you scared, baby?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing together. He moves in between me and Loki and says "I don't like the dark." Loki and I both nod and kiss his head.

Two hands, one big and one small, place themselves on my belly and I can't help but smile. "Mommy, can we try something?" Alex asks. "Sure, honey. Go ahead." I say, sitting up a little. Alex and Loki both turn into their Jotun forms and illuminate the room with their bright skin. My stomach glows along with them and I smile seeing a baby illuminated against my skin and nightgown. "Hi, baby sis." Alex says, placing his other hand against my stomach. A blue hand places itself on the other side of his hand and I blink away a tear. Looking over at Loki, he does the same while smiling proudly. Pulling all of us into his arms, he kisses each our heads.

"Fairytales and dreams do come true."

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