Baby Talk (Loki)

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While helping Mother Frigga organize her closet, you find a beautiful, vintage chest. You graze your fingers over the carvings and marvel at the intricate designs. "Mother Frigga, what does this chest hold?" You ask, looking up from it. She smiles and says "That holds Loki's childhood toys and books." You smile and Mother Frigga walks over. She unlocks the large golden lock keeping it closed and smiles at you. She opens the chest and you smile at the tiny books and stuffed animals. A green stuffed bear catches your eyes the most.

"The cure for boredom is curiosity, and there is no cure for curiosity."

You think to yourself before taking the bear into your hands. You rub your fingers over the soft and old fur and smile at the half chewed up nose. Loki then appears beside you, startling you and causing you to jump a little from surprise. He chuckles in your ear and says "Are you having fun looking at my past memories, love?" You then grin at him and say "Yes I am." He takes the stuffed bear from your hands and says "I promised I would pass this on to my future son." He then quickly darts his eyes at you and slyly grins. You hide your smile and blushing cheeks and he wraps an arm around your shoulder. Looking up at him, you lean into him and he lays a kiss upon your lips. Mother Frigga awes in the background causing you and Loki to both smile.

Oh, how you love Loki and his antics.

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