The new Loki? (Loki ➡ Tom)

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"Loki, I can't have you you walking the streets, calling everybody your slaves," (Y/n) stated, becoming saddened by her own words. Loki felt the sadness too, but he was showing more disappointment in himself than anything else. (Y/n) wiped away a few shed tears before looking at him with eyes of despair.  "Loki," she began, her voice aching with pain from her heart. "I know change is hard." At this, she began sobbing.

Loki then walked closer to her and encased her face in his hands. "My love, look at me." She did so with tears pooling out of her eyes. "I love you with all my heart. Change isn't that hard when it comes to my love for you... I shall return." He then placed a soft kiss on her lips and took his hands away from her face before quickly leaving their shared appartment.

As soon as the front door closed, (Y/n) quickly broke down onto her knees. She sobbed into her hands while asking herself why she did that. Only did she know that Loki went out to Tony Stark to learn how to act like a mortal. Yes, he knew it would be a big change for him, but for (Y/n), he would do anything.

For the next six months that (Y/n) spent alone, Tony took Loki out to the real world where Loki decided he would change his identity for (Y/n). So, Tony decided to take Loki out to test his morals in Midgard. Loki found out about the way they acted and dressed; the way they talked and what they talked about; the way they shared feelings and the ways they expressed their bad feelings. Loki took notes in his mind and made a promise to him and (Y/n) that he would have respect for others.

Over the six months, Tony taught Loki to dress his style. Since Asgard was always so-for-say "formable", Tony took Loki shopping for clothes, only to find out Loki was a suits and tailors kind of guy with a classy casual side. It was another thing that made Tony proud (lol) . After the clothes, came the hair. With a stylist's suggestion, Loki went from long black hair to curly golden hair. Of course, Loki was surprised at the look, but quickly liked it afterwards.

Loki decided he would change his identity for (Y/n). Tony was on board with the idea and quickly dragged Loki into a bookstore for a name book, which resulted in their cashier thinking they were a couple expecting (even more lol) . Luckily, Loki had been taught to act reasonably in these situations and proved himself a good person in front of Tony. Needless to say, Tony was proud like a mother.

At the end of the six months came the hard part: deciding on a new name for Loki. With the book, Loki liked the name Thomas, but he also liked the shorter version of the name which would be Tom. Tony pitched in a word he found on a word search which became Loki's last name (I'm dying) . The one thing they couldn't think of was the middle name until Tony thought of "William" because of Shakespeare. So that was Loki's new name:
Thomas William Hiddleston.

(Y/n)'s POV
Upon hearing someone knock at the front door, I wipe away my tears and stand form the bed. All I've done since Loki left is cry, eat, and sleep. The last six months have been hard. All my friends keep asking if I'm alright and I always say 'I'm good.', but I'm lying.

I don't even look at who's behind the door; I just open it. The person standing in front of me has golden curly hair; it's cute. He wears a blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the crease of his arms and his pants are black jeans. When I look at his face, he has a face like Loki's. In fact, it's exactly like Loki's...

"Hello, love." He says, smiling. Realizing, I smile and quickly attack him in a hug while he slowly, but meaningfully hugs me back. "Loki, I missed you so-" "My name is Tom," He inturrupts. I slowly look into his face, waiting for him to continue. "My new name is Thomas William Hiddleston. I was born in Westminster and I now reside with you." He explains, a smile slowly forming on his face. "You changed your identity?" I ask, trying to comprehend what I just heard. He nods. "...for me?"

Loki- I mean, Tom (that transition though) -nods his head again, making me attack him in a hug once more. "I missed you so much." I say, gripping the back of his shirt. "As I did you, my love, but I am a changed man," he then gets on one knee and takes my hand in his. "I vow to treat you and others around better. I promise to give you every ounce of love I have in my heart to you and only you. Yes, changing was hard, but it was for you and I did it. You were my inspiration to continue on with trying to change my outlook on everything,"

He then takes a velvet box from his jean pocket and opens it. A dazzling ring with a large blue topaz and two diamonds next it is exposed, making my eyes water; he's proposing to me. "(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), will you marry me?" I grin and say "Yes, of course." He nearly jumps up and attacks me in a hug. We both share the hug for a few seconds before Tom takes the ring from the box and slides onto my finger; it's just the right size. I smile at the ring before kissing Tom.

"Who helped you change?" I ask, once we walk inside. "Tony." He says. Wow; he didn't say *brother Tony, but that can still be kind of bad knowing Tony. "Don't worry, love. I didn't pick up on his... lifestyle." I smile and say "Okay, good."

Tom then hugs me once more. I smile before hugging him back. "I don't think I can spend six months away from you again." Tom admits, laying his head on my shoulder. I place my hand on now curly hair and giggle. "How did you get your hair to be curly?" I ask, smiling. "It's naturally like this, love. Tony just had it cut short and dyed this color." I take my head away from his shoulder and look at the color a little more. "I like it." I say, running my fingers through it.

Tom then takes the chance to place both of his hands on my cheeks kiss me. I instantly kiss him back as my eyes quickly close and a slight moan erupts from my throat. The warmness on my lips at this very moment is the warmness I have been yearning for. I'm not going to be losing it anytime soon.

"I missed this," Tom confesses, disconnecting our lips, giving us both a chance to catch our breaths. "Please, don't ever leave me." He begs, interlacing our fingers. "Darling, I was the one who told you to leave in the first place." I say, looking up at him. He smiles and places his free hand on my cheek. "But, it was for the better. I'm still the same Loki you love, but as I have said before, I will respect others more and love you with every ounce in my body." I smile once more before laying my head on Tom's chest.

"I would still love you even if you hadn't changed, but I highly thank you for breaking your boundaries and going the extra mile for me."

"But that's the thing, darling. Love has no boundaries."

As you can tell from the tiny ANs I put throughout the story, I had some fun with this one. It was a little awkward trying to change the name half way through the story, but overall, I enjoyed this sort of awkward, sort of wierd imagine XD. I hope you enjoyed as well, and with that, I shall say Buh-bye! - CreepyLilMonster

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