Swimming Pool #LokiChild (Loki)

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"Mommy, I don't think others will like this." Hel says, walking out to me in her peach and teal polka dot swim suit. "Why not?" I ask, walking closer to her from the counter in my (f/c) bathing suit with a white cover-up over it. She slowly looks toward the floor. "Because no one wants to see this." She traces a finger down where the redness of her skin is. "Oh, please," I say, making her look at me. I smile at her. "If people do not like you, then they can go screw themselves." "Mommy!" She says, giggling. "Well, it's true! I don't give a damn who they are. My daughter is perfect." She smiles and looks down to hide her blushing cheeks. "Thanks, mommy." "It's entirely true, baby."

"What's entirely true?" Loki asks, walking into the kitchen. He wears the swim trunks I bought him at the beginning of summer; good. I smile at him before standing. "Isn't our daughter a hundred percent perfection?" I ask. He smiles with me and walks closer. "Of course she is; anyone who disagrees can go-" "Screw themselves, I know." Hel finishes, smiling. Loki looks at me, smirking.

"You said that, didn't you?" He asks, wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me close. "I did." I answer, slightly giggling. He smiles and gives me a short kiss on the lips. "By the way, I like this swim suit you're wearing..." Loki whispers lowly in my ear, making me smirk; I know what he's referencing to.

"Mom, dad, save the eyes of the innocent!" Fenrir says, walking into the kitchen with Jörmungandr by his side. Fenrir wears a black swim shirt and navy blue swimming shorts while Jörmungandr wears a pair of black shirts with lime green lines and a dark green swim shirt. Loki and I both exchange laughter at Fenrir's comment before we both separate from the hug. I pick up Hel in and rest her against my hip while Loki walks over to Fenrir and Jörmungandr. "One day, Fenrir, you'll understand." Loki says, before kneeling and letting Jörmungandr climb on his back.

I can't help but smile at the sight. Loki is a better father than most fathers I know. I just hate how Odin told him that he couldn't be a great father; it was a huge lie. Looking at Loki now, he's the best father anyone could have because he puts in every effort he can to try.

Picking up the bag that carries our towels and sunscreen, I lead us out of our house and begin walking to the pool. I'm glad we live close enough to one since it's one of both Jörmungandr and Hel's favorite activities. Fenrir on the other hand prefers running around and playing sports like soccer and baseball; strangely and not very surprising, he hates football and basketball. Loki and I enjoy watching the kids play whether it be them swimming or even having fun in the backyard. I think Loki's favorite part is when the kids use "safe" magic against each other; it makes both Loki and I proud.

When we get to the pool, Fenrir dashes towards the water, only to jump in, laughing while I put Hel on her feet. Once Loki puts Jörmungandr on his feet, Jörmungandr follows Fenrir's actions and does the same thing. Loki and both laugh before I realize Hel is still by my feet. "Hel, aren't you going to go and join your brothers?" I ask. Loki notices my concern before adding "Hel, you seem timid; is everything alright?" Hel shakily nods.

I tell Loki to join the boys so I can talk to Hel myself. "Hel," I say, leaning down to her level like I did earlier. She looks at me with pouty lips and furrowed eyebrows. "You are beautiful. If anyone says anything there, what did I say they can go and do?" "Screw themselves..." She answers, smiling. "Exactly," I say, grinning afterwards. "Now, let's go swim."

Once I take my cover-up off and place the bag on a small table, I walk into the pool with Hel walking behind me. "Mommy, what if they say something?" Hel asks, sounding scared. "Then I'll say something back." I quickly reply back.

Turning around, I pick her up out of the water and hold her in the air. She giggles relentlessly. "Mommy, put me down!" She says, still giggling. "No! Not until you say you're beautiful!" She giggles once more. "I'm beautiful!" She almost yells. I hold her closer to my face. "You're damn right you are." I then begin to drop her into the water of the pool, making her laugh more. "Don't let me go, mommy!" She says, holding onto me. "I won't, baby." I say, holding her hand.

We swim out to the middle of the pool, trying to reach the boys at the end of the pool. We continue swimming, only to stop when we hear snickering. I turn my head and girls much older than Hel, laughing and pointing at Hel. "Hel, swim out to your brothers." I tell her. "Okay, mommy." She says before doing as I say. I'm glad she didn't hear the girls laughing.

I swim out to them as they stop laughing. "Girls, may I ask why you were laughing and pointing?" I ask. "What's wrong with her?!" One says, laughing afterwards. "Yeah, why is her skin red?" Another asks. "She looks like she's been through a fire." One adds. "It's a birthmark." I explain. "A pretty big birthmark!"

"She's so ugly with it."

This makes me burn with anger, though I keep it down. "She is beautiful with that birthmark. It makes her different and she'll always be beautiful. She's even more beautiful then you girls," They all gasp at this. "Her soul is the most beautiful soul in the world while you girls' souls are so dark and cold." They all snarl and quickly swim away before leaving the pool.

When I swim back to them all, I smile seeing the kids playing while Loki watches. I swim beside him before he notices and wraps an arm around my hips to pull me closer. "Darling?" He says. "Yes, dear?" I ask, looking towards his face. "Thank you for handling that." He thanks me, turning to face me. I smile and say "I had to. I hate when people judge her for her vitiligo (it's the medical term for the birthmark)." Loki nods and says "As do I, my love. But I wouldn't have conversed with them, no,"

"I would have banished them to another realm."

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