Slumber (Loki)

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"Loki, it's late," you say, smiling. You kiss his cheek and say "Have a goodnight, my love." He smiles and you get up from his bed. You walk to the door before Loki says "Wait." You stop in your tracks and slowly turn around. "Yes, my love?" You ask, tilting your head to the side a little. He blinks a few times and smiles shyly, before saying "Would you like to sleep in here tonight? W-with me?" You smile and walk back to the bed. "I would love to," You say, causing Loki's shyness to disappear into thin air. "But, could I borrow a shirt? I don't want to sleep in my dress." You say, pulling at the bottom of your (F/c) lace and chiffon dress. He smiles and jumps up from his bed. "Of course," He exclaims, walking to his dresser. He opens a drawer and pulls out a green button down shirt. "Is this okay?" He asks, handing you the shirt. "I think it's big enough for you to wear like a gown." He says nervously. You smile and nod before going into his bathroom and changing. It's not too big, but it is big enough to cover your butt and mid thighs.

Walking out, you see Loki laying on the bed, now in pajamas and a book in his hands. Hearing the bathroom door close, Loki looks up from his book and you smile at him. He sends a smile back at you and you can see his eyes gazing over you as if you were a jewel. "I did not know that my clothes would better on you," Loki says, grinning. You shyly smile back, a little bit of self-consciousness hitting you, and you quickly walk to the bed. You lay under the covers on your side and Loki places his book on his side table. "Are you ready to go to sleep, my dear?" Loki asks, looking over at you. You nod and he turns the lamp off. In complete darkness, you hear Loki lay deeper into the bed and him shift onto his side. You're pulled into Loki's chest all of a sudden, causing you to accidently yelp in surprise. Loki chuckles and says "My dear, are you that shy?" His hand on your waist moves down to your hip and you nuzzle your head into Loki's chest.

"My dear, there is nothing to be shy about, for you are the most beautiful maiden in the entirety of the nine realms."

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