Neighbors (Tom)

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Part 69 aww yeh bb

I am so sorry for my immaturity.

Sighing as I walk up the stairs of my apartment, I blow a piece of my hair that has fallen into my face out of my sight. Today was a boring workday, yet, it was still tiring like any other work day. All I want to do is lay on my couch and watch telly with my sphinx cat, Smeagol. I'm thinking about either Doctor Who or Gotham; I don't know.

Once I reach my apartment, I put the keys in the keyhole, but my ears pick up on something. There's noise coming from within my apartment and I don't know it could be. I don't live with anyone. Smeagol's too fat and lazy to be making all this noise. And last but not least, I didn't leave anything on when I left. What the hell could it be?!?!

Quickly unlocking the door and nearly throwing it open, I burst in, only to find my neighbor chasing around my cat which has... underwear in his mouth?! I don't know what I'm more surprised to see... my fat ass cat running around or my neighbor in my apartment.

"Smeagol!" I say, my cat quickly stopping in his tracks before running to me. The mischievous blue eyed devil jumps onto the table beside me, dropping the underwear from his mouth, I smile in thanks at the cat before turning to look at my neighbor as he breathes heavy, due to the running around. "Thank... you..." He says, panting.

He walks over to me and takes his... undergarment before immediately stuffing them into his pants pocket. "I am so sorry I'm in your apartment," He apologizes. "It's just... your cat... kind of took my underwear." I smile at him in assurance, chuckling while his panicky aura subsides. "It's okay, Tom," I tell him. "I understand. Besides, it's not like we're complete strangers. And to be honest, I'm glad you got your underwear; I would've been kind of freaked out if I came home and there were men's underwear in my floor." We both share a chuckle, before we both grow a bit silent in awkwardness.

"Again, I'm terribly sorry I got into your apartment without asking," He apologizes again. "Always the gentleman." I think to myself, smiling. Yes, it isn't obvious enough, I have an enormous crush on my neighbor. It doesn't help that he's been kind to me ever since the day I moved into my apartment.

"Your window was open; that's how Smeagol got into my apartment and stole my underwear." "Damn, I knew I forgot something this morning." I say to him, his smile ever growing along with mine. "Say," He begins, his voice showing his happiness. "How about I pay you back for going into your apartment with dinner. Tonight." My smile turns warm along with my cheeks; did my hot neighbor really just ask me out on a date?

"Sounds fair," I joke with him, making him laugh. "I'd love that, Tom." He smiles as if he's achieved the best award in the world. "Fantastic," He tells me. "I'll see you tonight." With his last words, he moves to walk past me, but instead of continuing to walk on, he stops for a short second before a warmth is applied on my cheek. The warmth quickly disappears and Tom leaves my apartment, leaving me with blushing cheeks and stupidly smiling

"He kissed my cheek..." I say to Smeagol as soon as my front door closes. He meows in response before I pick him up and hold him close to my face. "I was going to come home and chill out on the couch with you and watch Gotham, but for the first time ever, Smeagol," I hold his face closer to mine, still grinning like an idiot. "thank you for being the mischievous little shit you are." He meows in response again, making me chuckle. I lightly toss him back onto the couch, watching him land on his feet. I then, as funny as it sounds, do a victory dance before running off to my room to plan out an outfit for tonight's agenda, smiling the entire way there.

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