Nightmares (Loki)

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"No, no! Please don't go!" I say, as I fall onto my knees in front of (Y/n). "Sorry, Loki, but I love Thor more. Not you!" (Y/n) says, holding onto Thor by his arm. She then takes his hand in hers and they both smile at each other before walking away, hand in hand, leaving me by myself as the darkness takes over.

"Loki, wake up." I hear. My eyes immediately dart open and I see (Y/n) looking down at me with worried eyes. "Loki, honey, why are you crying in your sleep?" She asks, concern filling her voice. I instantly shoot up and wrap my arms around her the tightest I can. "(Y/n), please," I say pleading. "Never leave me." She giggles and wraps her arms around me. "Loki, my love," She says, petting down my hair. "I love you too much to leave you." I grin and lean back enough so I can be face-to-face with her. I stare into her deep and loving eyes before placing my lips upon her never-ending smile. She presses her forehead against mine and tightens her grips around me. "Honey, remember I will never forget my love for you." She says, kissing my nose. Smiling, I lay back down with her and she snuggles into my side. "Shall we go to sleep, my love?" I suggest. "I think we shall." She says, mocking my Asgardian accent. I chuckle and nuzzle my head against hers. "Then we shall."

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