A beautiful smile (Loki)

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I scowled as I watched mother and father give all their attention to Athena. She laughed as they playfully tought her how to fight. Her young five year old self was always given this kind if treatment, but as for my slightly younger five year old self, I was harshly ignored and sent away when Athena was around. Athena would always come home with me from school talking about how great her day was, learning about more athletic ways to train, but as for me, my parents simply rolled their eyes when I began to tell them about my favorite subjects, English and History. I loved learning about the history of Asgard and Niflheim, but of course, it bored everyone else, so no one exactly listened to me. I could try and talk to the teacher, but he was the teacher, and he didn't need to be retaught what he had just taught.

I never got why my parents ignored me. We were from the same blood and everything. Yet, they treated me as if I were a stable girl or maid. I may seem mad when I talk, but on the outside, I'm scared and shy. Too afraid of what's to come. Too afraid of how I will end up.

I'm afraid of my father. His loud yelling, aimed at me. The same yelling that fills the walls and floors.

I'm afraid of my mother. Her long, pointy nails. Almost like a witch. Her intolerable laugh. Her whip...

My fears surrounds me.

The fear of yelling.

The fear of people.

The fear losing someone dear to me. How do I have that fear though? I have no one.

Walking down the streets of Asgard, I stare down at my feet as I hold a basket of bread in my hands to bring to the local bakery. I watch as my feet step over each other; the gravel crunching between my feet. My tiny feet next to giant amounts of feet right beside me. I can practically feel their sympathetic eyes bore into me. Their eyes glare at my dirty (h/c) locks and cheap clothes.

I sigh a encouraging breath, before walking through the entry way to the building. "It's about time you got here!" The witch, also known as my mother, yells. I quickly place the basket down beside her counter, in a hurry to get out.

Still staring at my feet, she says "If I would've known you'd be this late, I would have sent your sister! But she doesn't deserve that, now does she? She actually does something with her youth, and doesn't waste it on books, like you." I feel more sympathetic eyes of bystanders watch as her morning lecture goes on. Why do they stare at me like this? Don't they realize this just doesn't come out of nowhere? It has to begin somewhere, right?

Don't they realize I'm used to this?

"Now, go take your puny little self out. We don't let filth stay on the floors without cleaning it." Mother says. I take another sighing breath and blink away a threatening tear from it rolling down my cheek and at my boots. I quickly turn around and accidently bump into someone. I raise my head a little and see a strong figure in front of me. Black leather fills my view and I know something is about to happen.

A young lady quickly turns around and bumps into me, making her (h/c) hair bounce. I look down at her and she raises her head slightly. She seems so timid and scared. It makes me sad to see the way that evil woman talks to her, it reminds me of Odin.

"Woman, raise your head." I say. She shyly looks up at me and looks at me with scared, (e/c) eyes. "Tell me your name." I say. "(Y-y/n), my prince." She says, stuttering. I resist a chuckle and the evil woman says "Oh, prince Loki! Do not talk to that wench!" Almost everybody in the rooms gasps and (Y/n) slowly puts her head down.

Slightly agitated, I look at the dastardly woman and ask "How well do you know this woman to be saying that about her?"

"Well, prince Loki, she is my daughter!"

My eyes widen at her comment. How could a woman talk like that to a beautiful girl that's her very own daughter?! Taking (Y/n)'s arm, I walk outside, her trailing behind me.

"Prince Loki, I am so sorry!!" She says. I stop underneath a tree and say "Do not call me prince. Just Loki." "Okay pr- I mean, Loki." She says. I smile, but an awkward silence soon follows. "Do you like books?" She asks, trying to help the aura. "I love them." I say. She looks up curious and asks "But how? Wouldn't king Odin be making you train to be a leader for war?" I smirk and say "My dear, he wouldn't get me to be a war leader, even if he tried." She smiles and I smile back. "That's better."


"What is this?" (Y/n) says, taking a sip of her tea. Now in the palace, (Y/n) marvels at everything in her. "It's amazing!" She says, smiling. "You've never had tea before?" I ask, confused. She slowly shakes her head and mutters something. "Speak up, dear." "I haven't had many things." She says, staring at her lap. I look down, feeling sympathetic and say "They don't let you, right?" "Who?" She asks. "Your parents. They don't give you these opportunities, right?" She bites her lips and closes her eyes. She slowly nods and sigh. "Well, do you want to go to my library?" I ask. She instantly perks up and smiles. Something I wanted to see.

"Have you read this one?" She asks, pulling out a small hardcover book. "No, I don't think I have." I say, squinting my eyes at the cover. She smiles and says "It's a wonderful book. It's about a girl who doesn't know her parents, but she ends up finding a friend who she can talk to and relate to and-" She blinks a couple of times before saying "I'm sorry, I'm rambling on." I hadn't realised I was smiling at her description and say "Oh no, it's fine. Please, go on." She smiles again and continues, but I can't focus. Realization hits me about her past.

Her parents are obviously not the nicest, but the reason she apologies explaining to me what the book was about, was because somewhere in time, someone has hurt her while she was talking passionate about something she liked. I don't doubt it was her parents.

"And the ending is the best part of this book." (Y/n) says, as we walk around the library. I smile at her marvelous mind and she laughs at one book. "This one has a funny twist ending." She says, still laughing. She walks a few feet away from the book and I quickly place it in my arm. Why not keep it for later? "Oh!" (Y/n) says, taking a book from a shelf. She excitedly looks at the cover and I instantly recognize the book. It's a book about flowers Mother Frigga used to read with me. I learned a lot about what all the different flowers meant. I smile and say "Would you like to borrow it?" "May I?" She asks, holding the book to her chest. I smile and say "You shall." She grins and says "Thank you!"

I hate seeing (Y/n) leave, but it was surely late and I don't want her to go through any trouble going home. Walking out of the palace doors with me, the guards watch as we walk along the pavement to the gate. "I had a great time, Loki. Thank you." She says, smiling. She has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I don't care if I met her earlier. Something about her makes me want to hug her so hard that all her broken pieces will fit back together.


"I had a great time too." I say, smiling. She nervously smiles back and an idea pops into my head. Using magic, I put my hand in my pocket and pull out a cookie. I hand it to her and her eyes light up with excitement. "For the path." I explain with a smile. She smiles back and hugs me. "Thank you, Loki!" She says, excitedly, before kissing me on the cheek and running out of the gate with the cookie in her hand. My cheeks turn pink at this and I put a hand to where her lips were previously. They seemed to have heated my frozen temperature somehow. And possibly...

My heart.

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