"My favorite book?" (Prince Hal)

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Sitting at my study, I continue reading a fiction I found in Hal's library. Hal is also known as prince Hal and also my boyfriend. Even though I am a normal, towns-girl, Hal still picked me and continues to love me each day as I do the same. The only bad thing? Right now is war time and Hal is fighting along his father's side. I know I could possibly lose him in war, I know that. I trust him and I also know that he will come back. He might not come back in the same state he was in, but I'll still love him because that's how love works.

A simple knock against mine and Hal's door causes me to slightly jump in my chair and smile. I place the book down on the desk before standing and walking to the door. With my hand hovering over the knob, I run through my mind and wonder who it is. Not many visit me. Usually servants or cooks or even nurses checking up on me to make sure I'm not slowly killing myself being alone.

Opening the door reveals a dirty and bloody Hal with a smile on his face. "I'm home, darling." He says. My mind finally comprehends and I let out a squeal before throwing my arms around him. As he encases me in his arms, I begin crying of pure happiness. Hal isn't missing a limb and he isn't dead; the best case scenario.

"I missed you so much, darling." He states, stuffing his face in my neck. "As did I, my love. As did I." I say, holding my hand against the back of his head and kissing his cheek. He then moves his head, causing me to kiss his lips instead. He instantly kisses back and I smirk knowing he did that on purpose. With me in his arms, he walks into the bedroom and closes the door behind him with his foot. "The war is over." He states, holding me closer by my waist. I open my eyes and see his forehead has a gash. "Hal, your forehead." I make notice to him, concerned. He takes a hand away from my lower back and touches his forehead before looking at his finger and noticing the blood. He then looks at my neck and says "I am so sorry, dear. I got blood on your collar." "Oh, that doesn't matter, Hal! Your forehead! Come with me!" I drag him along with me into the bathroom and make him lean against the tub. I clean his wound with a rag as he winces at the pain.

"I'll make it up to you, Hal," I promise him, while bandaging his forehead. He smirks and looks up at me. "Not like that." His smirk vanishes and he looks back down. "Do you remember that book you've been wanting me to read?" I ask. He smiles and looks up at me. "You read it?" He asks. "Mhm." I hum, kissing his now bandaged gash. "Did you like it?" He asks, holding onto my waist again. "Yes, it was very well written, but Hal," I say, placing my hands on the sides of his face. "Did you really have to hide an engagement ring in the book?" His eyes widen and he says "You found it." I nod and give him my left hand, the golden ring with two diamonds on my ring finger. "It's the perfect size." I note, smiling. He smiles back up at me and wraps his arms tightly around me, slamming his lips onto mine. The sudden force causes us to fall back into the empty tub with me on top of Hal. We both laugh with Hal slightly groaning.

"I love you so much." He says, pushing my hanging (h/c) locks behind my ears. "I love you too, Hal," I say, leaning down closer to him. "More than anything in this big world."

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