Music Box (Thomas Sharpe)

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Loki's the narrator again! This is sort of like an AU.

A long time ago, there were two young children who treated each other as if siblings. The two children were (Y/n) (L/n) and Thomas Sharpe. They were the best of friends, but the sister of Thomas, Lucille, was insanely jealous of their relationship. She even purposely hurt (Y/n) a few times, but that always separated Lucille and Thomas farther apart. Soon, when Thomas and (Y/n) grew older, they both began dating. Why? Because they loved each other with every ounce in their bodies.

Sadness hit (Y/n) at the age of sixteen when both of her parents tragically died in a fire. Thomas was there for (Y/n) the whole time while Lucille scowled at the scenes displayed before her. Lucille knowing that she wasn't going to be able to get Thomas the way she wanted, she tried to come onto him unlike a sister should. Thomas wanted to escape his sister and the house he lived in, but he couldn't move away due to his age. It was a good thing he and (Y/n) had a plan for when they turned 18. They would move to America; and they did without giving notice to Lucille. Since (Y/n) was a few weeks younger than Thomas, they didn't have to wait long to travel to America. It just so happened to be (Y/n)'s Birthday night, Thomas proposed to her with a ring he had spent the money he had been saving up for a while. Lucille, who was still at Allerdale Hall, was furious and swore to never let neither (Y/n) or Thomas back into the castle. Sad for her though... (Y/n) and Thomas also swore on the night of their engagement to never go back to Allerdale; they would no longer have anything holding them back.

They soon married in America and overall had a perfect life. Though Thomas was possessive over (Y/n), (Y/n) enjoyed it because Thomas wasn't the abusive possessive, he was the loving possessive. He always kissed, hugged, and did anything loving to her just to show his love for her whether it was in public or at home. (Y/n) did the same by showing her affection toward him. She always messed with his hair and corrected something of his attire which always made Thomas smile. One thing (Y/n) always loved was Thomas' dirty talk and love bites; they were kinks of his and (Y/n) wasn't complaining.

(Y/n) surprised Thomas with wonderful news of her becoming pregnant with his child. Thomas was enthralled and would never leave (Y/n) by herself due to fear of her accidently losing the baby. Thomas always enjoyed watching and feeling the baby move and kick as did (Y/n). Although Thomas had the fear of her losing the baby, (Y/n) tried her best to calm him and constantly remind him how the baby was. Luckily, (Y/n) had a perfect pregnancy and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who they named Gloria. She was born with glowing skin and curly brown hair like Thomas' hair. Thomas always pointed out Gloria's shining (e/c) eyes that she had when she was born. They were just like (Y/n)'s and that was one of the reasons Thomas loved them.

Narration done

Holding Gloria close to my chest, I smile down at her and watch as she reaches her hand up to grab my falling (h/c) locks. "No, baby, you cannot have mommy's hair." I say sweetly to the two month old. Gloria giggles up at me and places her arms back down onto her chubby stomach. As I walk around the house with Gloria in the crease of my arm, I wonder where my husband could be during this Christmas Eve. My question is answered when I hear footsteps behind me and recognize the pattern. Turning around, I am greeted with Thomas holding a newly-made trinket in his hand.

"Thomas, did you just make that?" I ask, looking up at him with a smile only for him. He smiles back and nods. "Open it, darling." He says. I do so and gasp upon seeing a small, wooden ballerina dancer appear. "Thomas..." I say, shocked. I had no idea he could sculpt that good! "And watch this, my dear." He says, twisting a nob underneath it. Beautiful music begins playing as the wooden ballerina twirls. "Thomas, that's amazing!" I say, mesmirized by Thomas' new invention. "Thank you, darling. I was thinking of calling it the 'piano playing and ballerina dancing box'," I look at him with a quircked eyebrow before he shakes his head. "No, too long. What about... the 'music box'?" I smile and nod. Kissing his cheek, I hold Gloria up in my arms so she can see the 'music box'. She giggles and excitedly claps her hands at the contraption before Thomas plays the music as before, smiling at his precious princess. She goes crazy at the ballerina, laughing and clapping her hands with a big toothless smile.

When the music is finished playing, I place Gloria back in my arm crease and she quickly falls asleep due to her using all her energy on excitement. Thomas and I both smile at her and walk upstairs and into her room. I place her in her crib and Thomas wraps an arm around my waist while I do so. "Merry Christmas, darling." Thomas says, kissing the side of my head. "Is it midnight already?" I ask, looking up at him. He nods and pulls out his pocket watch, showing it is actually past midnight. "Well, Merry Christmas, darling," I say back, kissing him on the lips. "You and Gloria are my gift." "I could say the same, my one and only."

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