Motherly Love (Tom)

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Loki will be narrating this part

Once upon a time, the great Tom Hiddleston met a beautiful woman named Bailey (I'm sorry if your name is Bailey) and they both fell in love immediately... or so they thought. They got married after only seven months of knowing each other and right away, they had a son who was given the name 'Daniel'. Tom and the woman both loved the boy so they decided to have another child. This time, they gave birth to another son and he was named 'Finnian'. Their marriage turned toward the worst and they soon got a divorce after only two and a half years of marriage.

The boys, ages two and three, had no idea what was going on as their daddy went through a sad and hard time and their mommy was never home, and when she was, she was either asleep or hungover. Tom loved his children both dearly and didn't let his acting get in the way of his relationships with his children, nor did he let his children or acting get in the way of falling in love once again.

After one year of custody wars and child support, Tom met you. Upon entering a café, he found you by yourself enjoying coffee and a good book. What was that book you ask? Hamlet. Instant attraction sparked between you and Tom, but even though he thought it was too soon, he still felt that warm and cozy feeling around you. The feeling he needed. The feeling he thought he had felt before, but was mistaken. It just so happened you also felt that warm and cozy feeling around him too.

After a few dates, you and Tom became a couple. Both of you agreed to go slow in the relationship. You knew he had two sons, but you didn't mind for you felt as if you wanted to be their mother instead of Bailey. After six months of dating, you both decided to move in with each other. You both loved each other and you both knew it was the right time. You both agreed on holding back from "bedroom-parties" until you two got married, which Tom thought was an extremely high possibility in the very near future.

Now zone into now. You and Tom live in an excellent apartment with the two boys visiting every weekend and every holiday. You and Tom have been dating for more than a year and you couldn't ask for anything more. Being married would just be tying a knot; life was perfect and it felt like you two were already a married couple.


Today, you woke up and smiled at the warm feelings around you. You opened your eyes to see Tom's arms wrapped around from behind, spooning you as he slept, and your two boys cuddling you. They were your boys and you loved them. Sometimes you thought you loved them more than Tom, but in your heart you knew it wasn't possible.

Detaching all the arms from your waist, you sit up and stretch. You smile as a thought enters your mind and you quickly jump from the bed. You walk into your nice and modern kitchen and start making breakfast. Taking the pancake mix out, you mix up enough batter to make eight pancakes. You enjoy making food for your boys: Tom, Daniel, and Finnian, or what you called him, Finny.

"Good morning, mommy." Daniel says, walking in the kitchen. You smile and say "Good morning, Birthday boy." He smiles and sits down on the mat beside the sink. "I'm five today." He says. "I know," you say, placing the fifth pancake on the plate. "Which is why your father and I have decided to take you wherever you want. How does that sound?" He gasps and says "Can we go to the theme park here?!" You add another spoonful of batter to the pan and smile. "Of course." You say. "May I use the bathroom?" He asks after a few seconds of silence. You frown and say "Daniel, I have told you many times before. This is your place too; you don't have to ask if you can use the bathroom." He stands and walks over to you. He hugs your legs and says "I love you, mommy." "I love you too, baby. Now go do your business and I'll finish making breakfast." He nods and walks away.

A few seconds after Daniel leaves the room, a hand comes into contact with your rear causing you to jump and squeal. You quickly turn and see Tom smirking beside you. You grin and playfully slap his shoulder. "Tom, you scared the shit out of me!" You whisper. He chuckles and gives you a kiss. "I love you, darling." He says as an apology. You wait a few moments before breaking into a smile and giving him a kiss back. "I love you too, honey. Is Finny awake yet? " you ask. "Yes I am!" A sudden voice yells, before something plows into your legs. Tom and you both smile and you look down to see Finny with his arms wrapped firmly around your leg. With Finny still on your leg, you take the last pancake from the pan and add it to the plate. Daniel then walks into the kitchen from the bathroom and Tom's eyes brighten. "There's my birthday boy!" Tom exclaims before picking Daniel up. Daniel smiles and says "Hi, daddy. Is breakfast ready?"

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