A Good Woman #LokiChild (Loki)

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Oh, my first #LokiChild imagine...

Anyways, onward with the story!

As I knit together another scarf for Hel, I feel two arms wrap around me from behind the sofa. I look down and see Fenrir's arms with his favorite coat over them. "Hi, honey." I say, smiling. "Hi, momma." He says, his voice sad. "What's wrong, baby?" I ask, turning towards him. "I'm having one of my bad days." He explains, walking over to sit on the couch with me. Placing the knitting needles and yarn down, I wrap an arm around him and pull him close to me so he can tell me why he's feeling like this. He lays his head on my shoulder and sighs.

"I just can't stop thinking about why Grandpa did what he did." He explains. I frown and place my hand to his head. Smoothing down his hair, I say "There's no explanation, baby. What he did was terrible and it should have never happened." I then realize something and my eyes brim with tears. "I'm sorry dad and I weren't there to save you." He looks up at me and hugs me tight. "Mommy, I know you and dad couldn't have been there," He says, making me smile at 'mommy'. "It wasn't possible to help me, and I know that. You guys did nothing wrong." I smile even more with tears falling down my cheeks and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, my son." He places his head back on my shoulder and I begin wiping my shed tears away.

"Can you tell me a story about your grandpa?" Fenrir asks, once I have wiped away my tears. "Well, I never really knew my grandpa." I answer, frowning. "What about your dad?" Fenrir asks, making me chuckle. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you about my father," He looks up at me with a 'go on' look and I tilt my head to the side. "My father wasn't always home. One night, he was and he was mad at me for some reason; I never knew why. He got so mad at me at one point that he stabbed me in the arm with a dagger," Fenrir gasps. "He got mad and stormed up from his chair before throwing me through a wall." I finish, Fenrir looking at me with wide eyes and mouth agape. "Why would anyone do that?" He asks, frowning. "Why would anyone hurt an innocent boy like you, Fenrir?" I ask, placing my hand on the side of his face. He averts his eyes and says "If your father knew how good you are now, I bet he would regret anything he ever did." "Well, Fenrir, my grandmother used to say that the ones with a broken past can always make the pieces into something better in the future." He smiles up at me and says "I think you've done exactly that." I grin and hold him close. "Of course I have because I have you, your dad, and your siblings and that's all I'll ever need."

"Thank you, darling." I hear behind us. Both Fenrir and I turn to see Loki standing there with Hel and Jörmungandr by his sides; they all smile. The only bad thig is: Jörmungandr is covered in mud and Hel is soaked in water. "Magic lessons go wrong today?" I ask, standing from the couch along with Fenrir. They both nod and I walk around the sofa before crouching to both of their levels. "But that's okay because we learn from our mistakes." They both smile and hurry off to separate bathrooms, getting ready to try and learn magic again. I stand back up and Loki hugs me. "You are my perfect other half." He says, nuzzling his face into the side of my neck. I giggle and kiss his cheek. "As you are mine, my love."

"Hey, dad?" Fenrir says, walking up to us. Loki and I separate from the hug before Loki turns toward his son and smiles. "Yes, Fenrir?" "You... you have a good woman... because we have a good mom." He says, before shyly running off. Loki brightly smiles and turns back towards me. "I do have to agree with him, though," He says, pulling me closer to him by my waist with an evil smirk on his lips. "You are a FANTASTIC woman."

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